General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone explain the leaderboards to me?

Anyone explain the leaderboards to me? in General Discussion

    So I was like 90th for bloodseeker, been winning most of my games... lose one game on reborn get minus 37 mmr and go from 90th to 595th, I then play against keltra 6k number 17 BS picker, beat him and my rank doesnt go back to like 90th - 150th... currently at around 500th+.

    Do i seriously need to grind all this shit back? or do i just need to win a few games with 5.5k-6.5k players in them?


    Also my bs was Diamond 10 and now its plat 9, I've won games since and it hasn't went back to

    თემა შეიცვალა

      u fill in official information once u hit treshold for mmr to appear in them u get placed into leaderboards until someone beats u


        ^ i meant the dotabuff leaderboards kappa.


          Was like 60th as BS myself at some point, didn´t play for like a week, instantly out of top 100 :D Let´s just say the competition is tough for such a popular hero like BS :)

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            It doesn't work properly, that's for sure.


              the dotabuff leaderboards don't mean anything

              i hit like top 100 once for terrorblade and i play that hero like a potato