General Discussion

General Discussionwin a game with a mid trolling qop who went bldamail,agh,linken and sny

win a game with a mid trolling qop who went bldamail,agh,linken and sny in General Discussion

    i play as a 4th supp bara. low 3.8k SEA MMR


      why do you think we care?




          all the items are fine except sny??!??


            jz share below 4k are shit mmr. blademail n nsy jz usless on OQP


              blademail is totally legit on qop
              why do 3ks think they know everything


                den wat is ur mmr? talk like a pro? do he ahve the hp to tank? blademail =2K + n he cn go bkb earlier? look at the game b4 u talk. QOP die 11 times. if he go HP item (BKB o LINKEN earlier), he would hv survive even if u 4 k+ it is still pubs. u r so proud to be 4k+?

                n pzl U NP AFK NC just dumb. look at ur NP winrate? did even c u r 3K. AFK NC FURION? wp

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                    კომენტარი წაიშალა

                      what the fuck is this, monkey language?


                        i like it when ppl attempt to flame someone, but their knowledge on the subject is so low that they literally show it off without even realising how funny they look to ppl actually experienced in this given field.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          its sea english typical for online communication. it took me a while to get used to it back in the old days but now I understand (more or less) what these guys try to say. although i guess it had a huge negative impact on my own english xD.


                            i like this random insertion of NC into his last sentence


                              Your "Support" seams questionable at best.


                                looks like you did fuck all and qop created enough space for am to carry you.

                                commend qop


                                  die 11=space created. WP


                                    n my glimmer cape is 4 my team. if i wnat insisibiity, wi would rather go shadowblade, i go it for my team. n so wat is wrong with poor english? english isnt my mother tongue, i m poor at it but i am learning


                                      I have never seen SEA English like that

                                      The guy you flamed is 5k

                                      And blademail is perfectly legit on qop....

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        I think this type of english doesnt even come from dota, it was created somewhere in the sea internets; but i saw a lot of ppl speaking like that, including some of my friends.
                                        Btw its way more difficult to understand them when they are using voice chat comparing to just texting.

                                        on our way.

                                          HAHAHA OP ROFL LMAO LOOOOOOOOOOLQOP


                                            this thread gave me cancer


                                              I can already feel my english exam scores dropping after reading that comment.


                                                10mins in you were level 3, KDA of 0-0-0 and LH/denies of 2/1.

                                                you did nothing - there were a couple of charges straight from the fountain that failed, a couple of failed stacks and an attempt to pull using an empty camp.

                                                in no way can you blame qop for that game :D


                                                  so? he die 11 times. n u just c for 5 mins and make judgement. what a a nice way to jufge by looking at 1 narrow perspective. i am a supp so i shud get 30LH 15 DN?? u does not amke any snese, iw as trying to gb bt fail. so wat? u talk like so pro, u win and play very well every game? mortals do make misatke. @rocket, you are normal skiill palyer


                                                    you're not even trying to spell well lmao


                                                      so much for my cmabridge FCE, might give it back later.


                                                        "u does not amke any snese"


                                                          but you weren't supporting - you were wandering around doing very little! QOP was in the fights with AM and was taking the brunt of the enemy focus leaving AM to clean up and win the game.

                                                          the fact i play in normal bracket doesn't mean i'm wrong.


                                                            @zenoth i know you are pro. But his blade mail does not win game 4 us,i am noob but baldemail cost 2k+ and with that gold you can have earlier agh,bkb o ec whatever which give you more sustainability. Moreover, i did not flame him in game i just curious and share some funny build to the public. I never say i am pro. I say low 3.8kmmr which include myself. I still insist that there are better items or build for him after his Power Thread. (Even if he has Blademail or not, it does not affect the outcome of the game) I don't get it, the idea of rushing blademail after PT, would you mind to clarify more on this build? Secondly, I assume you are right that he is a 5K +mmr player, but even pro players make mistakes, so 5k mmr player never commit mistakes?

                                                            Furthermore, you are Singaporean, of course your english is much more superior than me given how the Lee Kwan Yew prioritize English over mother tongues, perhaps you are even english school educated. There is a few country in SEA, not every one has good grasp with the language.


                                                              JUST BE FUCKING GRATEFUL THAT U GOT FUCKING CARRIED.


                                                                eh btw the way u talk just know is much better..... I think u need to chill dude.


                                                                  @Rocket every one make mistakes, i did not even say i am pro, ia m just saying qop build is trolling. If the qop does not build Blademail,in my humble opinion, he may survive more and die less. Then all you saying is die=space created? so why not BKB ? she can do whatever she want during BKB and die less.


                                                                    rtour i do not flame qop in game I am just sharing out Blademail QOP so what's wrong? you all view me like i have commited something very bad? I do not ahve the right to speak out and share something? you can criticize me but make sure u have the points.


                                                                      ehhhh when did I say u flamed qop? Oh and be sure to HAIL RTZZ!!!!


                                                                        "JUST BE FUCKING GRATEFUL THAT U GOT FUCKING CARRIED". Quote from you

                                                                        I am not trying to be harsh,just some clarification.
                                                                        I n WD buy wards,dust,sentries and wait for am to fat, so why is just him carry us? our team carry am to mid game then he carry us to the late game. show some respects to support please, they are flamed when they are killed and no one commend them for supporting actions.


                                                                          sooooo when did i say u flamed qop??


                                                                            maybe its a language thing - i thought you were calling out qop as a retard.

                                                                            i assume she was in a stack with AM? looked like they were having a lot of fun together anyway. didn't think am was into that sort of thing.


                                                                              all of the community reactions.

                                                                              Zenothabout 2 hours ago
                                                                              I have never seen SEA English like that

                                                                              The guy you flamed is 5k

                                                                              And blademail is perfectly legit on qop....

                                                                              jo~about 5 hours ago
                                                                              blademail is totally legit on qop
                                                                              why do 3ks think they know everything

                                                                              TripleSteal-about 4 hours ago
                                                                              i like it when ppl attempt to flame someone, but their knowledge on the subject is so low that they literally show it off without even realising how funny they look to ppl actually experienced in this given field.

                                                                              i just assume u also think I flamed QOP. In fact I DON NOT flame qop in game or here but I do curious and wonder his item build.


                                                                                in that case: blademail is legit on qop because blademail Redirects damage and qop does a lot of damage and also takes ton of damage, all of that while being very mobile. The idea is to blink in to a ton of damge with your Ult + scream + blademail and blink out again.

                                                                                tbh I don't think that it was a good choice this game because they have a ton of stuns, it is very situational and even if blademail would be a great choice, going for aghs or orchid is better in most cases.

                                                                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                    oh ik gix, hes a decent timbersaw player

                                                                                    Von Darkmoor

                                                                                      Honestly the ultimate build for QOP IS OBIOUSLY....

                                                                                      Power Threads.
                                                                                      Helm Of The Dominator.
                                                                                      Sange & Yasha.


                                                                                      This give you a little attackspeed, a little damage, a little health, a little movespeed, a little disable a little lifesteal......

                                                                                      S I M P L Y
                                                                                      P U T

                                                                                      A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING FOR TOTALY IMBA WOMBA DOMBA SUPER DOPPEL BEST JOHN CEENA UFC SLAM BUILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        oh u fkng euro trsh u no tste 4 gud rhtric gt a lyf u sh8888888888


                                                                                          i like manta on qop