General Discussion

General DiscussionTrueSight - Reborn Feedback Thread

TrueSight - Reborn Feedback Thread in General Discussion

    We've officially released initial TrueSight support for Source 2 matches, how exciting! This is an early release and we expect there to be bugs. Please use this thread to report bugs or general feedback related to TrueSight analysis for your Source 2 matches.

    Please read the announcement here:

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Bay Harbor Butcher

      How long will it take for reborn games to appear on my profile?


        Great work, I have looked into the sources of your Source 1 parser Yasha and it worked really well for my little experiments so far. The documentation is a bit lackluster but it is free (even MIT licensed) after all.

        Maybe this is not the right place to ask but I am just going to try my luck. I have a general feature request for Truesight: Could you enable DB Plus users to analyze a limited number of non-plus games? Maybe 5 per month/30 days or so, as long as Valve has the replay available. Sometimes I see game IDs somewhere and it would be nice to have the nice Treusight overview on Dotabuff instead of downloading it and trying to pinpoint in client where stuff went wrong for a team. Thanks.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          @verybadbanana Reborn matches should appear normally. We don't currently have the ability to get custom games, if that's what you're referring to.

          @nkr that's something we've thought about, but it's been a while - I'll discuss it with the team later today.

          Bay Harbor Butcher

            Jason I have played normal matchmaking games in reborn. (couldn't say how many, maybe a dozen) one was 2 nights a go. Maybe it's not picked up my games?


              You may need to check that "expose public match data" is enabled in the game options. The API is currently reporting that it's off for you, and this would prevent us from seeing that you played in a match. Once you've enabled it, you'll want to click the "Update Match History" button on this page:

              Bay Harbor Butcher

                Weird as it's been tracking my other games. I must of disabled it somehow.

                Cheers will try later.


                  Also commented on the blog post, but thought it might fit better here.

                  Now that all games are analyzed, I can't seem to remember which matches were in Reborn and which were in Dota 2.
                  Will there be a filter option for which version of the game you have been playing?

                  I somehow suspect my Reborn matches to be of shorter duration for example - could be fun to see if it's just a feeling or if there is something to it. :-)


                    With Reborn being included soon into the standard client, that is the old client being outdated and removed, I doubt we will see such a filter anymore.


                      I've started having an interesting issue. I mistakenly turned on the hide my profile option on the source 1 client and now that I can't access it to turn it off rating buddy can't get my mmr. Not an issue with truesight, just something that might effect others users now that the new client is here to stay.


                        same problem as person above me


                          today when i tried to open dota 2 by clicking the play tab from steam, it shows a mini tab that says preparing to launch dota 2 and then nothing happened. im aware that dota 2 reborn is out and i checked i have updated the reborn beta i installed before(but i didn't really played it once cuz it always failed to open). I need some guidance to solve this problem.

                          jus chillen

                            hey can i 1 v 1 some mod , and if i win get dotabuff+???

                            lm ao



                                reborn map is so poorly made please fix it

                                got 18 rampages be careful.

                                  Hey i want to use the mmr thing (i was randomly selected for) but i cant add it on steam :(



                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    Nah, I'd win

                                      He means, he can't add Visage's Battlefury, it's ok bud, he is always offline anyway


                                        I tought he meant clinkz radiance

                                        lm ao

                                          つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF BB CODE つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                                          lm ao

                                            Jason is a dog KreyGasm

                                            Nah, I'd win

                                              I knew it!


                                                when I look onto his profile pic from far away, I always get a first impression of his ears being actaully big eyes on top of the head, and given that the dog itself looks like a scary alien.

                                                Nah, I'd win

                                                  Jason pls banerino this bitcherino

                                                  lm ao

                                                    who? Ruslana? But she's so hot

                                                    Nah, I'd win

                                                      I mean this Megamind if you scroll up

                                                      lm ao

                                                        why me im just innocent pinoy dog woof


                                                          Hi, I think that Aegis is a crucial item, the exp of roshan's death and the cheese too. Some games can be determinated by which team get more roshan's items. A 5v6 fight or 5v7 counting cheese, is so important because I think that this fights can win games. Is possible to report how many times roshan falls in a game? A winrate for every count of Roshan death?

                                                          SooKiE   ;3

                                                            Warning: Your Dota profile is private and cannot be accessed by Rating Buddy any idea when this might be resolved?


                                                              сасай 223


                                                                i post just cz i get annoyed whenever i open the forum and see the profile pic and nickname of the guy who commented above me



                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                  Nah, I'd win

                                                                    This is dotuboff

                                                                    Mind Games

                                                                      Triplesteal u r such a dense f6t


                                                                        I have a really good suggestion that would be awesome but i do not know where to exactly post it.

                                                                        It would be awesome if dotabuff had a kind of timeline in pro matches, where you select a particular time of the match and you can see the Current Items they have at that moment(i am not sure if its possible to place lashits aswells), that would give a real insight of what items led to the comeback and how the gameflow changed...

                                                                        Dotabuff is awesome!!!

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          Rix I think there's something similar already that you can see with the truesight


                                                                            @erk i know that you can see what items they get at an exact moment, however its way better to focos on a particular moment, than checking manually one by one.


                                                                              @rix Thanks for the feedback we're working on an improvement of timeseries data in truesight.


                                                                                u finally started to play dota? :D

                                                                                lm ao

                                                                                  Mod is Normal Skill kreygasssssm


                                                                                    everyone from the dotabuff staff play supports

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                    when i laf i say, kakakak...

                                                                                      You need to get + beta

                                                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                          i dont know where to post this suggestion,since its have nothing to do with truesight
                                                                                          but can you please add passive item in the match statistic?
                                                                                          like consumed moonshard or aghs from alchemist, that would be awesome.
                                                                                          and also item that currently still in stash and not yet picked it up then the game over

                                                                                          Yves Saint Dushman
                                                                                            კომენტარი წაიშალა
                                                                                            lm ao
