General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfing

Smurfing in General Discussion
Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

    2 friends and I created new accounts. The first game we played with these account was HighSkill.
    I played SF with a 3.7 KDA, 15k HeroDamage and the most TowerDamage.

    One friend played Tusk with 3.9 KDA and 19k HeroDamage.

    The other one played Techies with 1.2 KDA and 19k Hero Damage.

    My questions are:
    How can you get matched as a new account with 0 games in High Skill bracket ?

    Why went I (SF) down to Normal Skill, Tusk stayed in HighSkill and Techis went up to VeryHighSkill?

    Maybe i don't understand the smurfing system at all.



      Giff me Wingman

        because techies is bad, tusk is worse and SF is the worst.


          sf is 4th hero global average for hero damage, so if your tusk/techies friends had higher hero damage than you the system adjusts you down accordingly.


            1). Steam tracks smurfing and generally knows when one is creating a new account.

            2). Because you pkayed rather bad relative to your role, overall game situation and your teammates, and techies did a good job (for this given hero).

            3). Yes. It doesnt take into account only kda/gpm/etc., it reflects how well you play. You won't ever get 5k as 3k player no matter what you do, untill you improve yourself and actually become 5k. You won't be able to cheat the system and imitate being better than you are by mechanically focusing on certain ratios and numbers; it doesn't work this way.


              ^ How do you know that? Spamming Zeus ult every cooldown worked for getting to frontpage matches / calibrating 5k


                ^i could add "any more" in the end of last sentence.
                you can still eventually get a bit higher mmr, smthng like 500 pts away from you real one, but commonly the calibration now gives a representative result of your real skill.


                  stupid people^ above triplesteal^

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    Hey Benao :P


                      thanks for the edit, benao




                          "You won't be able to cheat the system and imitate being better than you are by mechanically focusing on certain ratios and numbers; it doesn't work this way."

                          ANY proof?


                            @mipsu lii
                            what kind of proof do you expect? valve never posts anything about the mechanices of rmm system, so all we know is based on our experience plus our friends' experience. Its kind of a common knowledge based on multiple players' attempts to calibrate as high as it gets.


                              i can tell you that zeus damage now counts as about 50%.
                              so if you have 40k hero damage, you will have 20k "real damage".


                                thats why noone spams zeus anymore


                                  ^the max radius to count dmg is smthng like 1700-2000, on top of what you said. there were two major changes to measuring HD for zeus in the calibration process.


                                    shouldn't People spam phoenix to git gud then? when played well you could have some kills, tons of asissts, no deaths, metric ton of hero healing and damage. ez 12k mmr

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      Don't forget about Skymage, people used him a lot too.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        Gunna be 9k ony zeus smurf


                                          I like people geting theory out from their ass.


                                            Ya it smells nice don't it , I am a ass man too .