General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease tell me how we could have won this game

Please tell me how we could have won this game in General Discussion
Night 夜

    Saddest loss I had in this game yet I think. We had the lead throughout most of the game, but never managed to quite push in against their team. I lost count how many roshes we killed, buybacks we spent, none of it helped.

    We got them down to one melee racks by splitpushing (that fucking manta doing so much work), but at that point they just had to def mid and top. And got themselves waveclear.
    So splitpushing wasn't an option anymore. Teamfighting wasn't much of an option either, because look at that lineup. Even if they wasted both BlackHoles on my TA we still couldn't defeat them.

    I was completely out of ideas at the end. Not even buying necrobooks would have done it I think. Maybe if we had just pushed those creepwaves in for another 50min. Maybe.


    Please, someone with more insight than I have tell me what I or anyone could have possibly done to win this game.


      Smoke does quite some work in cases like this. + you simply got outdrafted, when the game lasts long enough, they will win the game.

      Bad Intentions

        Mannn its good dat u did obj doto but the team with the higher game impact score in d end usually wins games. And yes necro books would ve been the best item in this game.


          My guess - you should have got deso instead of manta (or let one of your teammates get it). Effect on towers would be rather destructful, in addition to AC aura. That could buy you an additional tower per successful push, so you could finish the game much earlier or at least get megas.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Night 夜

            I sold the deso to get skadi.


              Too bad. It's still impressive that you held that long - Radiant team had much more teamfight and late potential than yours.


                Have your team all buy manta as the 7th item. Then send in 1 team of illusion to bait out their ult.