General Discussion

General DiscussionNot sure if its a good idea but..

Not sure if its a good idea but.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Do you sometimes pick flavor of the month heroes to just save your teammates from them? I mean heroes right now such as bs, lesh, ursa etc etc. I'm actually guilty on the bs picks sometimes :D thoughts


      is it ur bday today or smthng? so many threads

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      Bad Intentions

        triplesteal, please i need your thoughts!

        casual gamer

          people did this when earth spirit grip stunned btw

          Last picking is 4 pussies

            I merely say "if you want bs please pick it now."


              Why is BS even popular? I've rekt like 2-3 of them as PL already. Blood is so bad against a team that has remotely any disables unless he forgoes DPS and tank items for a fast BKB. Potentially weakening him against your team if they don't feel the need to rush BKBs too.

              Everything after the rekt thing is just theory mind you.


                no. i just typed in all chat ' It's in the bag '