General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Gyro

How to Gyro in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I don't really get gyro, he seems like a very straightforward hero but I'm losing games on him, though I haven't played many. What do you do exactly to get wins on this guy? He is a monster mid game, farms really well and seems like he should be great late too but I'm getting my ass kicked late. He seems too fragile late game, like sniper but with zero range, and if enemy teams have bkb or pipe there goes half his dmg with ult and rockets, and his single target is awful. If you don't wipe their whole team with flak cannon we lose fights.

    What am I doing wrong? Wrong builds, wrong items? Not pushing sooner? My farm's ok, couple games 7 cs/min, one over 8, a loss around 5 1/2. But I still seem to get out carried late. One match this luna just straight up man fought me every time. Another match they had wk, bb and sb, got crimson guard and tanked all my dmg. I also think techies might be part of the issue, he's been in 3 of the 4 games and hurts our team fight which gyro is centered around.

    I've been going phase, aquila, dominator, s&y, bkb, mkb pretty much every game.

    lm ao

      I know a guy from my neighborhood who went from 2.5K to 3.5 in less than 100 games by spamming Gyrocopter in USW servers. He always uses teamspeak, has terrible English, has a complex of making people add him due to his overt narcissism, and all-chats 'Allahu Akhbar' every other teamfight. I hope you guys have crossed paths with him?




          if u want me to talk to u about gyro u gotto pay me


            what are you, a bitch?

            lm ao

              DD teach me how2oracle insteda

              lm ao

                I hape 970 musrhoom htas how mchu hours do that go?


                  uve got money uve got everything :cheeky:

                  Dire Wolf

                    I have never met a gyro spamming but I did run into a spirit breaker a long time ago he kept chanting that over void command and then suicideing people with charges. Guess he thought he was a dota2 martyr.

                    Anyway, is my build right or wrong or what?

                    lm ao

                      I'm Normal Skill. Is my advice supposed to be any worthy?

                      Dire Wolf

                        sure why not I'm only high, sometimes venture into vh


                          hi wolf. I do used to play gyro bt my playstyle is unique as i seldom go lifesteal. I am just 3.9k,u may or may not consider my advice


                          I usually go Aquila then urn then phase den either sange or bkb 1st depends on the situtaion. My item sequence for urn,phase and Aquila depnds on the game, sometimes i go phase 1st,sometimes i go urn 1st for extra HP. My 1st big item after bkb is usually butter unless enemy has mkb. I only go lifesteal during mid game at where I have bkb,sny and a damage item. My sustainability comes from the urn charges. The reason I go this is because in low 3.9k game, there is alwasy war, and with my build(urn,phase and aquila), I have enough sutainability and I cna keep on fighting. Moreover, HELM is overrated when the enemy always invade your Neutral and ancients. Furthermore,my support seldom stacks 4 me, so i rather go fighting build. This is jz my opinion though, bt you cna take it as a reference.


                            i also suggest you to be more flexible with your build, go around with different damage item (deaduls,mkb,butterfly or even abysal) you should try out butterfly especially vs carries with high damage but unlikely to get MKB (eg PL,CK,emebr,storm and etc), evasion is really good vs storm though and the flutter and armor is just bonus points. Sometimes i also have been forced to go abysal when my team lacks disables or the enemy is too mobile. It is not an optimal damage item but the active is always welcomed.

                            casual gamer

                              the trick is to use hotd to get so far ahead of the enemy in farm that they cant tank flak ever, gyro can get some pretty absurd farming with ancient stacks

                              then you rosh and push high ground before people can tank up or buy excessive ghost/forces

                              Dire Wolf

                                i do farm stacks, triples usually (i cant consistantly get the 4th to stack) and my farm is good, just can't get ahead enough. Case in point just played a game.


                                No one shuts down am, even though storm and slark can do it, both lose their lanes. I got ganked a couple times by np teleport in mine so whatever, but my farm is fine. We finally start winning every team fight cus bs finally got bkb but by then too late, down a rax and the creeps just push. We wipe em and lose a tower to creeps in process.

                                I cannot figure out if it's me or just too small a sample with bad teammates every game. Slark last game was pretty fucking dumb and kept dc'ing trying to quit early but then would come back with a minute left.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I had 10 less hits than anti mage, if gyro farms like that he should be winning more right? I don't get it.


                                    vs am if ur team lack lockdwon, u should consider getitng abysal


                           for BKB am

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      finally won one but my team stompped so idk.

                                      are there any offlaners you would put points in missile against over flak cannon?

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        mb vs dark seer but u dont rly ever want to do it usuallyhtho