General Discussion

General DiscussionHow could I've won this.

How could I've won this. in General Discussion

    Hi guys, another of those stupid threads, but I'm trying to learn anti fun and I was the AM this game, I'm a lil tilted but idk what the fuck, team just gave up safe lane tower while we were doing ok, supports abandoned lane and left me alone against kunka and sky, soon I had no regen nothing, I tried to bring myself up to the game again by farming but this stupid invoker kept saying fight and fight against a gyro and spirit fed breaker who really rekts me, I don't have sustain I don't even had a BF, so it was my fault to lose in the end according to them. Were they right about it? Should I fight since I had no tower nor wards to farm safetly for 5-10 minutes? What could I have done different? ty

    Idk im thinking I should just play me own game and don't listen to teammates if I know they are not right and mute them but since it's a team game I always have hope that we can have good communication and plaay well.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    King of Low Prio

      My teammates tell me to fuck myself but I usually wait til after the game


        Some people are just like that, blaming the carry for not doing well, but in fact it is them who should create space for you and your farm for like the first 20-30 minutes. I feel you bro

          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

            bring more regen, allows you to get boots/treads before roh which increases ur kill potential loads (am is actually a very strong safelaner if you have support)
            buy pms its super value and helps you survive sb +1s
            max blink by 10 to sync with fury generally unless game is super hard and you need all the stats to survive
            basher after manta isnt good that game you get 100-0'd by solo sb or any sb+1/kunkka+1
            generic stuff really


              Your farm is potato, your KDA is trash, your hero dmg is pretty much 0 and you havent pushed any tower down as Anti-Mage and you ask us, how could you have won this? :D

              Dunning Kroeger in a fuckin nutshell.


                You were complete 0 that game. 0 farm, 0 tower dmg, 0 hero dmg...