General Discussion

General DiscussionForgotten heroes..?

Forgotten heroes..? in General Discussion
Lumn .......CSGO500

    There are such good late game carrys that can turn back a game like void or sven and they aren't used on pro scene. Neitherb on pubs. Which are the reasons for u?


      Sven gets shafted pretty hard by the recent trend of everything piercing BKB, he already had issues of being kited.

      Why would you pick a hero that is good at "turning back a game" instead of one that is gonna win it regardless like PL

      Lumn .......CSGO500

        But it's easy to wreck pl at early game. If u focus him he won't get farm and will be useless and easy to kill with some aoe or just focusing


          ^lmao and you're suggesting void?


            sven gets kited to shit, and besides glimmer/solar crest will annoy him, cuz he doesn't really have slots for detection and won't have early mkb

              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                atleast Pl can defend himself at Minute 10 or so where as a void just slowly starts with farming by then.


                  voids rly rly bad hero


                    Void really bad right now I remember when he was strong as fuck


                      Sven need at least a blink dagger or bkb(both to become a real threat) to unleash his team fight potential which need some time to farm while enemy gyro can fuck enemy up from lvl 1



                        1.) Needs madness and fury before he starts being strong. Current meta nowadays are AM, Bloodseeker carries that easily do damage even without items. AM does more damage with his mana break, BS does as long as enemy team has less and less hp compared to void that requires items before becoming really useful.

                        2.) Takes alot of farm before joining teamfight.

                        3.) Even in teamfights, just an extra enemy backup that can stun void during chronosphere is already enough to stop him from getting kills provided he doesnt deal too fast damage.


                        1.) No escape

                        2.) Needs fuck ton of farm before becoming late game super carry.

                        3.) Needs to buy blink for escape

                        4.) Soft and slow movespeed early game

                        5.) Has problem with chasing enemies.


                          void needs bf? i always considered this item to be a clear sign of this void player being very bad with the hero.


                            still Needs maelstrom and MoM just to kill the supports in chrono


                              i know only one good player who used to do this battlefury build every game.
                              he went mom pt bf and he was around 6700 mmr ato some point


                                he gotta have a really weird playstyle to make this build work


                                  what he means was back when void was actually op, like a year ago. in 6.82


                                    "what he means was back when void was actually op, like a year ago. in 6.82"

                                    Which was actually killed by easily increasing back Chronosphere's cooldown.

                                    Lumn .......CSGO500

                                      Void is strong in his chrono. U can solo mostly every heroe with lvl 6/7 with mom mim 6/7. Bf is not reaaaally necessary as am, it depends in the game. Well i didn't mran sven or void. There are many heroes that were left behind... Naix its a really good carry... He has spell immune and life steal. Slardar has bash, speed movement, stunt and armor reduction. There's a really limited pick pool... That's what I meant. I don't get what u all meam with sven getting "kited"


                                        I do use Sven to turn games around, he truly is a frightening carry. I use him because if team is ahead, it's an easy win, if the team is falling behind he can come back and just cleave everyone in 2 secs.

                                        He gets kited but it shouldn't be a problem if you build him right and have supports pinning them down.

                                        dón kíj-

                                          void chrono should have charges of 3 with 45sec refresh for a charge but enemies can now freely move isnide chrono with bkb


                                            I need a hero to win with since i cant win shit lately, so i'm open for suggestion boys.


                                              I haven't seen morphling in pubs for like 1 year or something. BRING HIM BACK!

                                              Lumn .......CSGO500

                                                Morph is a reeaaallly goood carry. He has lots of magical and physical damage. But he needs lots of farms and it's risky to use ethereal form agains high damage spell heroes as lion, tinker, leshrac...

                                                Sven it's a genuine voltis heroe. He has huge damage output



                                                  you know eblade doesn't make you ethereal anymore if you use it on the enemy right


                                                    Also troll just never been picked after the patch


                                                      Troll sven and void are all shit right now. Troll cant early rosh due to quelling nerf, void gets 1 shot if he doesnt 5 man chrono, and sven kited for days.

                                                      PL is so good because hes hard to kill if hes last picked vs non aoe team. Hes the new slark, hes good at all stage and snowball very fast.

                                                      Best carries this meta is gyro/luna for their heavy burst early game and ancient fast clearing.

                                                      Bs for obvious reasons.

                                                      Pl for reasons above.

                                                      Am if space created, reks this magic meta.

                                                      lm ao

                                                        I would have had posted about puck being the most forgotten hero of this meta, but I just realized you lame-oes were talking about the easiest role of the game

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          In general pros hate melee carries or haven't you noticed? The only melee carry picked with any kind of consistency is anti mage and that's usually as a counter pick. They pick bh a lot but run him as support, they picked bristle and dragon knight often enough but don't really run them as hc plus dk has a ranged form for fights and pushing. In general pros prize mobility above everything else it seems and melees get kited by mobile heroes. Just look at how often qop and storm get picked.

                                                          And void is a bad carry. He is fragile even with backtrack. Leshs and sfs and linas and all those other ranged guys crush him. Yeah 1v1 he can take any carry but there's so much shit that goes through bkb now, lina and qop ults, you just die in chrono or right after. And he doesn't farm well enough to get out ahead. He almost has become more a utility hero using chrono to set up other guys more than himself. You could still stack him with a sniper and a witch dr and center team fights around chronos and win, but those guys are carrying you not the other way around.

                                                          I think they should reduce time walk mana cost to 30 and it solves a huge part of his issues. If you could actually use timewalk to farm your farm speed wouldn't beat anti mages but it would be a lot closer. And maybe you could go aquila and/or vlads to farm, though mask is still probably better. Maybe aquila + mask would be enough mana.

                                                          Sven is ok but only if you snowball. Basically get blink and wreck people 1v1, then by the time team fights happen you'll be way ahead. Naix just sucks right now, gets kited, has poor team fight.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                          lm ao

                                                            I remember being Templar Assassin at a quarter of my full health being solo ganked by a Void with MoM/Mjollnir/Daedelus. Shitstain chronos me with 6 charges of Refraction on, chrono ends but I'm still alive, I man him up, 2 Melds and Faceless Shit is ded


                                                              I still believe jugg is the meta breaker. Bitch gives 0 fucks about pony stun and will omni him to all hell. BS can't ever gank him unless hes going with something like beastmaster, and will most of the times die to jugg if he ganks him when creeps arent around. Also jugg can still rs fairly fast and is still a monster late.

                                                              lm ao

                                                                Eh i dont know why I am SoBayed at him. Elegiggle bladekeper drop though EleGiggle

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  jugs fine he's still played a lot. I wouldn't say forgotten, he's 11th this month.


                                                                    Sven:- His attack animation sucks, his back-swing, movement speed and spell cast time are also really bad. After using Storm Hammer it takes him ages to go to the hero and attack and get to hit only 2 to 3 times in the early mid and 4 to 5 times in the late. New BKB piercing patch notes and new Glimmers Cape makes him Super Mario rather than a Dota 2 Hero.

                                                                    Void:- Once upon a time Void was a monster, he didn't even need Chronosphere to kill someone. His old time walk before 6.13 gave him Attack damage bonus: 30%/60%/90%/120% and e automatically "blinks" to each enemy unit within the radius around him in 0.5 second intervals and attacks them once. When no enemies are within range upon cast, does not go into cooldown, but does use mana.
                                                                    Then, time walk was reworked and still the time monster was awake but something but something happened to Icefrog and he constantly kept nerfing him but void didn't gave up and then his time lock was made pseudo-random(before it was pure random). Hence, faceless void is now just a jungle camp creep.

                                                                    Lumn .......CSGO500

                                                                      ^lol wtf, that was pretty op... I came in mid 2013, so i dodm't met that void... Why you give so much importance to animation attack?? Does it worth even if u have fadt attack speed? Idk, i just don't care about it

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        Idk about svens animation but you are right, his cast times suck. Warcry and god's strength both need to be instant. You have to pretty much preemptively cast everything on sven to pull off a gank. If you blink, stun, gods strength, the stun is already worn off and enemy is running away.

                                                                        Lumn .......CSGO500

                                                                          That's true, his animation sucks. You have to blinl with godstrenght and warcry

                                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                                            exactly, without any aoe stun like black hole/RP, sven is shit cuz it needs to much time just to cast ult

                                                                            Lumn .......CSGO500

                                                                              It's a shame that in every patch there are certain heroes pool that are kinda op and the rest is just an iconc shit


                                                                                void is nerfed as shit when chronosphere is not disable passives.

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  sven's never been great though, he's an average dota2 hero, good in lane, strong disable, gets shit on by anything op like lesh and sniper when sniper was a boss. His win rate is actually 52%, dunno the bracket breakdowns, but he's pretty straightforward, I wouldn't say he is bad. He's normal, has big weakness but can still shine if played right.

                                                                                  Other heroes are just way easier than others. Like when troll was op. Why play anything else? If you didn't pick troll the other team was going to, I'd pick him just to not fight against him. And his build was brain dead. You could spec exactly the same every time, play the same way and win.

                                                                                  Sven and lifestealer have to adapt to their situations or they lose. Yeah their mechanics are noob friendly, so maybe I seem like I'm contridiction myself, but a good player knows when to farm and when to fight on these guys, when you have to rush s&y for move speed vs ac vs a daedulus for raw dmg.