General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I worthy of the 5k or did i just get carried?

Am I worthy of the 5k or did i just get carried? in General Discussion

    So I recently hit the 5k mark and I don't really feel comfortable with the rating, cuz I make quite questionable plays at times and I feel insecure about even playing ranked anymore... I would be honored if anyone above 5k could take a look at 1 or 2 of my recent games.

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

        Basicly I'am asking for advice from people who have been 5-6k and know how shit works. I wanna step up my gameplay and try to adjust it based on the advice I get. =)


          i never see u nline recently for some reason
          i can look at ur games in some party game


            You can't really be "carried" to 5k. Something about you, be it your skill, leadership, or even your charming personality must have allowed you to win. As for advice, you look to be stretching yourself too thin. Try focusing in on some select heroes to be good at, and climb with in RMM.


              sure bro. I mostly play after midnight so that's probably the reason gonna be on earlier the next days tho.


                dont call urself a 5k player before u at least reach 5,5k so if ur below that u canj ust go fuck usrelf cuz ur a facukre tard at this game.

                one day u might get decent tho keep it up


                  dont listen to the fgt above, u can call urself a 5k player even if ur solo mmr is 732




                      looks like the problem in yourself is you play too much roles there. from lion to tuskar. you play so much roles that you are not comfortable yet.

                      play only your favorite roles and you will feel better.


                        problem in buying high mmr accounts


                          as i have time now i can elaborate on topic a bit

                          generally, most people intuitively consider those ones who are better in given subject to be rly far away from their knowledge/ability/skill. however, the real difference is usually rather small.

                          4ks consider 5k to be rly skilled, but as soon as they actually get to 5k they realise that they (same as other ppl in this level) still do a lot of retarded mistakes, and should improve a lot to become really decent. At this point, the 5k god gets substituted by 6k demigod, but it really makes no difference - when you will be 6k, you will probably consider urself bad. It is partly explained by Dunning Kruger effect, btw.

                          Also in general the attitude based on focusing on ur own weaknesses and missplays favors improvement in a much better way than any other pov would.

                          Krazy Kat

                            The fact that you can still realize that you make mistakes shows that you are really improving as a player and can get better.

                            The people who rage on these forums that they are good but their team loses the game are the people that will never improve.