General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy haven't Kunkka or CK ever been meta?

Why haven't Kunkka or CK ever been meta? in General Discussion

    What prevents them from seeing competitive play?


      They just haven't been properly overbuffed yet. Don't worry, Icefrog will no doubt craft a meta specifically for them in a few patches. :^)


        I'm pretty sure that Alliance played CK in rat strats with wisp


          hahaha :D


            They were in meta before they just don`t fit now. Ck is very weak vs Pl for example as carry and can`t do nothing vs him at the moment also he farms slow compared to am/pl/gyro or whatever atm meta carry. He is also bad as roamer or some shit because tuskar/bounty > 10x him


              kunkka was a nice mid some time ago, at least if played well.
              now imagine a melee kunkka against leshrac

              Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                Somebody didnt watch Ti3 grand finals

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  CK has only been popular along with a wisp (same as how Drow was really popular earlier this patch if they also had a visage before the nerf to familiar+aura synergy). Without wisp he's never been top tier. He's actually not had a single nerf since he was added to captain's mode.


                    because kunkka lack ability to flash farm + cant man fight enemy carry+ 2 unreliable stun + rng based if u want high damage(daedalus)?


                      ^ he can flash farm. but rest of it. yes. true


                        i m not pro. bt i still think that CK is conditionally good. especially the enemy lack aoe skills although this is a rare case. CK can be niche pick in certain lineup


                          No aoe on enemy team they almost forced to run if ck ults pair vs with a good initiator plus enemy no aoe it's GG


                            1. Like nobody in the pro scene can actually play Chaos Knight well
                            2. He was good last patch, but not favored. Probably not that good in competitive games idno
                            3. I'm going to bed now, gnite.


                              1. sorry to differ, but i do remember LOD(A) is a goood CK player

                              Giff me Wingman

                                wtf are u saying, CK was meta.


                                  ^when? He wasn't meta in ti3 if that's what you're implying

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    Ill throw this in there.

                                    Been playing ability draft if you get the shot for vacuum and kunkas ult do it!!!!

                                    so much fun.

                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      he was sorta meta in the 6.78 patch, at least i saw a fuckton of CK more than all other patches, competitive and pubs.