General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are US servers easy?

Why are US servers easy? in General Discussion

    Even in Very High Skill?

    Bad Intentions

      Handicap yourself by playing with 250ms ping 😀

      Livin' Real Good

        You have a 43% win rate on other servers, Americans are apparently wrecking you. lol


          That's still low on number. And that was back when I was still noob. I decided to test out American waters just today and now I've won 4 games easily like playing 1k MMR(2 from my alt, 2 on this account). No worries, it's still 'fresh'. After 100-200 games I expect it to be back to 50%+

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          King of Low Prio

            You won one game barely as Lesh on US west, grats


              Forgot to update, the new one should be out now

              King of Low Prio

                well nice you barely won a game as bloodseeker on US west......


         Leshrac win
         Bloodseeker win

                  Basically on the Leshrac win, Axe is noob, died twice on jungle and dies 100% of every teamfight. I'll admit with that Silencer pick and Storm Spirit I'm supposed to lose but I noticed their ganking habits are too weird and obvious and they always die due to greedy issues attempting to chase me. They don't gank AM and I always committ myself to die first before AM does(not afraid to lose int to Silencer and sure enough unlike most people unwilling to sacrifice themselves just to cover their hard carry we won.

                  On Bloodseeker, trilane is hard but why is ES a piece of shit? Silencer pick again but he doesn't do excessive harass than any Silencer pick does on SEA servers. Easily won game after counterpicking their AM and omniknight bought euls which is the MOST LOL THING IVE EVER SEEN ON A US RANKED SERVER.

                  Edit: Will be trying 200+ games on US west then. Let's see if this country gives me easier wins than SEA(SEA is the most challenging and hardest server to win even on ranked servers)

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    SPHERE BOX


                      Sounds like jealousy hate .


                        Not jealousy nor hate, I'm having alot of fun wrecking people and gaining wins ez with their silly habit of spamming skills so fast early game.

                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                          Looks like your apparently terrible on Dire. 43% win rate dire lol.


                            ^ What's up with the Ability Draft spam? :P


                              Ability draft is chill ass fun can do some crazy shit and still win


                                ROFLROFLORLFORFORFOROFLORFOLROFL What are you talking about?

                                EG took first at TI5. WHICH confirms, NA DOTA BEST DOTA and why its so hard to climb in our ladders.


                                  Maybe it's like a placebo effect for him lol

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    when u win it is because ur amazing and everyone else is bad, when you lose it is because even though you are amazing your teammates where too bad too carry. You won 2 whole games with barely any impact on either match all while playing on US west LOL get outta here


                                      "NA DOTA BEST DOTA and why its so hard to climb in our ladders."

                                      They work as a team, communication there does better.

                                      "You won 2 whole games with barely any impact on either match all while playing on US west LOL get outta here"

                                      13-7 no impact bloodseeker that raped AM has no impact? 10-8 Leshrac that helps every teamfight and sacrificng myself to give AM alot of damage during team no impact? Wow, that's cancerous of you.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        You created tons of space while your teammates carried you. Even 2k players on a 5k boosted account wont lose 100% of their games because sometimes your teammates just put you on their back and carry you to the finish.

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          @zano spamming ability draft cause ranked is getting repetitive aka I'm bored of seeing bs every game.


                                   Slardar comeback win
                                   Leshrac win

                                            The slardar match is supposed to be a losing game. Bot Mirana lost to Bloodseeker, teammates are greedy as shit and don't back when the map is too dark. Guess what happens, the idiot thing happened. On one last stand on our tier 3 tower, bloodseeker decided he "solo push" tower against a three man defense. He was easily killed by me, LC and AA ulti which easily turned the tide of the game. Since that death, the entire enemy team just immediately gave up. Weirdly, with PL's item, bloodseeker's good ganks they CAN ACTUALLY STILL WIN and decided to just give up instead of sticking and becoming serious. One of the things I encounter in US servers that I RARELY ENCOUNTER at SEA servers is a team immediately giving up after one teamfight was decisively lost despite winning multiple teamfights previously.

                                            Leshrac match was too decisive. Enemy pudge can't hook and of course overrated gyro murders everyone.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              @Too long nick
                                              Try ARDM too, that's where I normally go when I'm bored of ranked. Almost the same but with no need to wait extra 5 mins for the game to start.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                lowest game impact thinking he is actually doing shit. Your theories make zero sense, those same 'noobs' you are bragging about beating are from the same servers as the people carrying you.........

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  You do realize the position 5 supports are doing more dmg and outfarming your core heroes right?

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    ^ Rekt.


                                             Bloodseeker win

                                                      Again, counterpicked AM. This is also one of the things I've noticed in US Servers. People at early game LOVE TO WASTE ALOT OF MANA TO HARASS and sometimes don't even bring clarity. Lion and Tusk spam their skills while emptying their mana ALWAYS without consideration to conserve it.


                                                        "lowest game impact thinking he is actually doing shit. Your theories make zero sense, those same 'noobs' you are bragging about beating are from the same servers as the people carrying you........."

                                                        Exactly why I find US servers funny. They are fucking funny to watch than an average SEA noob feeding.


                                                 Leshrac lose

                                                          FINALLY lost after 5 games of winning. Had juggernaut not been feeding, continuously roaming to mines on Techies and stopped overthinking of enemy positions, I believe we could've won. But too much feed on PA, a weird Earth Spriit pick and a support BH isn't enough for carry.


                                                            Now rinse and repeat with a non FOTM hero and when you do, try to deal more hero damage with your core than the pos 5 support, as it happened in that Slardar game.


                                                              ur a god wOOOOOOO

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                good thing ur always there to pick lesh to show your teammates how it should be done

                                                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    too busy stomping on noobs to hit creeps or deal dmg to heroes


                                                                      Sphere Box, just stop talking. You have lost this conversation when Low Prio said you had less damage then your supports. It's over, stop humiliating yourself. Sounds like all you did was show up at the end of the fights to claim the kills.

                                                                      I wonder what your next hero will be when the new patch drops.


                                                                        Lol all of you claiming having hero damage means everything. It isn't neither way I just got another loss thanks to this indeed it was an EZ game.


                                                                        SF using a useless Linken Sphere first item build? Winter Wyvern slow hands and bara greedy.

                                                                        "You have lost this conversation when Low Prio said you had less damage then your supports. It's over, stop humiliating yourself. "

                                                                        I haven't actually, you're proving one of those unorthodox yet stupid builds from US people are what make me play in USA despite me actually coming from SEA and making them alot more funnier to watch. I don't lose games because I feed, I lose because my team is terrible and all that shit happens.

                                                                        "too busy stomping on noobs to hit creeps or deal dmg to heroes"

                                                                        So, what am I supposed to do then? Hero damage too small ooooooo less teamfight impact. What about playing smart and knowing when to go for the kill than going headon collision like the USA players love doing, going on a car crash scene and watching them die.


                                                                          "I wonder what your next hero will be when the new patch drops."

                                                                          I could play any hero just for fun. Right now I'm just interested on experimenting one hero at a time and testing American waters for lolz and noisy people on the mic. Oh and alot of them on the mic are always:

                                                                          1.) Overthinking
                                                                          2.) Talking 'professionally and formally" and their position overeagerly rather than simple words. It wastes time and we dont need to hear your voice.

                                                                          P.S: Btw King of Low Prio, if BS is a very OP hero in this meta, why the fuck do you have 40% win rate with him?


                                                                            Sorry man, I didn't know Dota 2 was all about individual talent. You must come from a background of Call of Duty.


                                                                              "Now rinse and repeat with a non FOTM hero and when you do, try to deal more hero damage with your core than the pos 5 support, as it happened in that Slardar game."

                                                                              Hero damage isn't how you become the "highest impact hero" than the support. It's how you carefully enter and kill the enemy without getting yourself killed in the first place as well as your team being careful and not greedy.


                                                                                "Sorry man, I didn't know Dota 2 was all about individual talent. You must come from a background of Call of Duty."

                                                                                It actually is based on individual talent with an understanding of your team. And no, CoD is for dicks. Speak simple and not formal. Oh and you only know how to play CM yet feed with other heroes.


                                                                                  I didn't know dying to setup fights and popping your spells before you die meant feeding? I play with a stack that mainly plays CSGO, I don't grind on +25 like you with the same heroes.

                                                                                  If it was based on individual talent and you say you lose because of your team you should have won your lane and dominated and paved the way for the rest of your team. But nah all good mate, I leave it at that. You have too much sodium in you ROFL

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                    "Hero damage isn't how you become the "highest impact hero" than the support. It's how you carefully enter and kill the enemy without getting yourself killed in the first place as well as your team being careful and not greedy."

                                                                                    First sentence not making a lick of sense notwithstanding, you think the average dotabuff poster doesn't know about the latter?

                                                                                    A brag post that claims a certain server is easy loses a lot of punch and relevance when you need to explain details nobody cares about of your matches.


                                                                                      Guis guis! When I play with my 5k freinds I get scores so gut I must definitely be 5k myself!


                                                                                      Obviously I'm not climbing because my 4k teammates suck dick and are holding me down amirite?


                                                                                        this guy is 2 good for us heuheheue

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          this is just the result of third world lack of education, where can I send my donation to help these poor kids?

                                                                                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                                thanks obama


                                                                                                  GET GUD BOIS, IN THE MEANTIME I'LL BE MOURNING ABOUT JOHN CENA'S LOSS ON SUMMERSLAM AND THEN PLAY AGAIN LATER MORE US DOTO!


                                                                                                    so many tards getting baited


                                                                                             Techies throw win?

                                                                                                      Ehhh, Bloodseeker threw game after he dies just once to my bomb. To be honest, my team fed and died many times early-mid game until they came back with more items. I'm supposed to lose this match but just goes to show how ez for US server players to start throwing games.


                                                                                                        any server is easy to play in 3ks ///