General Discussion

General DiscussionWho calls the Dragon Knight?

Who calls the Dragon Knight? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    So hows DK in the current scheme of things in this meta? Is it time to rework his ultimate? Maybe make the cooldown a little bit lower? Thoughts on him in general?

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
      Bad Intentions

        Maybe let his dragon form CD last 30 sec? That might make him decent?


          mk it like LD's ult. but saps HP and/or mana ever second

          Dire Wolf

            nah he still has mana issues and not much dmg and is really slow out of dragon form. If you increase the range of his stun to 350 in any form and increase his base movement, then reduce mana cost a tad of his stun and fire breath I think he gets really good.


              a hero who loses every mid matchup, hmm, lemi think, yeah definitely op.


                hmm pick lesh? pick lina ? pick qop?
                no, pick dk


                  I think dk decent vs bs .

                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                    Quick maffs

                      He is shit because i suck at him

                      Quick maffs

                        I mean i went 1/12 with him how the fuck can i be this bad with this hero


                          well he is not really shit, but he gets shitfucked in mid by any hero


                            He is shit because all his abilities are so underwhelming animation wise. Dragon Breath is just a shitty Zippo + Spray fire, Dragon Tail doesn't even have a real animation, Dragon Blood is a boring passive and his dragon form is so tiny for someone called the fucking DRAGON KNIGHT it's ridiculous and his breath attacks don't have any obliterating animations either. Stupid lizard.

                            Too little bang for someone with that title.


                              His laning is crap. They need to buff his starting str and starting dmg and up his base hp regen.

                              Dragon blood should be remade to have some sort of synergy with his other 3 skills. Similar to how Spirit Breaker works.

                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                I wish he had an aghanim that gave him perma ulti. It already has a really long duration so doesn't sound that broken, but if it was permanent you could farm so much faster just like tiny aghanim.


                                  I'll take more range on Fire breath make it Easyier to hit mid ranged hero

                                  casual gamer

                                    if DK had 65 base damage I would pick him


                                      I think they should make his dragon breathe 3 types, ice , poison , fire. Ayy lmaoo just imagining shit. Seeing a ice dragon that breathe fire is dumb.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        Lets see

                                        1. Slow as a snail
                                        2. Farms like shit
                                        3. Has literally no damage without items
                                        4. Huge mana issues.
                                        5. Moves like an overweight dragon

                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          1. and 5. are the same.

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            I think the quick fix is ags dragon to be permanent or stay longer AND make the dragon form size larger?


                                              1. and 5. are not the same as 1. Is refering to DK's normal and 2. is refering to DK'S dragon form. If you gave him more move speed in his dragon form it would be great.


                                                ?? dk was picked loads during ti and did fine why buff/remake?!?!?!