General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's hardest carry mid that is legit .

What's hardest carry mid that is legit . in General Discussion

    What if ur safelane carry is just a semi carry carry and ur offlane is pretty much a support hero .




        ember spirit or storm spirit have it in the bag


          only leshrac owns them in lane


            I think 6 slotted the best viable mid is shadow fiend. Theres nothing on top of my head that could beat him. The only carries that can manfight him are safelane carries. Or perhaps sheep tinker so he could endlessly sheeplock.


              Ember spirit , a glass cannon lategame


                idk ive been carrying games left and right with ta lategame

                leshrack is pretty good too

                ember is sick if u can get past earlygame

                sf/qop is decent enuff

                lina reks everything

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  You threw me off by the whole legit comment???


                    What, no naga?


                      i would say lesh (in this patch at least) cuz the rest are situational (6 sloted).
                      Let's be serious a 6 sloted ember reks but only if you do extremly good early and if they dont have any disable/silence that makes u wanna buy a bkb.
                      Naga ... maybe im not reading the topic well enough but i dont believe naga to be a hard carry ... not the way it is build in this meta... mega pusher, split pusher yes , she can win games - ofc.
                      Lina - i do not agree - only if you you build her damage type to focus on her 3rd skill. Haters gonna reply that with aghs refresher she deals massive dmg ... lategame maybe you can kill 1 hero with that combo imo....
                      SF - yes he can be ... wont comment much cuz i hate that hero :( and hope he gets nerfed
                      TA - yes he can be most of the time - not even situational ... you will always deal tons of dmg with her and since deso is cheap now you will probably recover well if you did not do so well early.
                      When im thinking of a hard carry im thinking of a hero that can deal huge constant damage (this is why i stated that i dont believe naga and lina to be in this category)
                      This is my opinion so no flame.


                        ^ then you are sorely mistaken, naga is one of the hardest carry and most difficult to deal with without a strong multi-core lineup, as well as putting your team on a timer.


                          Storm and Ember are soooo good in lategame RTZ said that storm is the most OP hero and its true so Storm is my call

                          And SF can be a HC but naga no? wtf Naga is a beast in late, SF past 40 min is full gear and he doesnt scale well
                          But Naga mid is shit tier in this meta against all the current midlaners such TA, Storm, SF, Lesh, Lina, QoP so i dont think that Naga deserves to be an option (im a naga player i know by fact that there only 2 viable ways to play the hero in this patch, safelane HC or support 4 position)


                            Storm's weaknesses are that he could not siege high ground and could not go yolo 1v5. Ember is good 1v5. But he has the same issue with Storm in that he could not siege high ground.

                            Naga with a refresher give you at least a 5 sec window to take down the rax.

                            Otherwise as per what Vaga had mentioned...

                            casual gamer

                              dusa is the hardest carry that can mid

                              ta is really really strong as a hero though, far stronger than dusa


                                Legit hard carry that can mid? Ember spirit, pa, bloodseeker.


                                  pl is legit, along with gyro and morph against certain matchups

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    QO only plays slark mid too


                                      Tiny,Tinker,OD,and much more of them mentioned above me.

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        tbh medusa mid is pegit, at least in pubs.

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Clinkz is decent too.

                                          she's so lucky she's a star

                                            Windrunner out DPSes any mid hero late game for what it's worth.


                                              TA, ember spirit, storm spirit, sf and windranger.