General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Spectre hit (87th) no.. it's 29th now

My Spectre hit (87th) no.. it's 29th now in General Discussion

    it used to be:


    I think I would have to have faith in this hero again. When I reached 4.5K MMR, I started doubting that I was losing because of the meta.

    But what Zenoth said, he can crush people using Spec even against meta heroes in 4.5k.

    Same way I look at 3K games :-/

    თემა შეიცვალა

      u still 4k :crazy:

      the realm's delight
        კომენტარი წაიშალა
        the realm's delight
          კომენტარი წაიშალა
          the realm's delight
            კომენტარი წაიშალა




                No giggities?

                  I find it pretty interesting tho. This guy was not dilusional like other kids before and realized that he made a lot of mistakes and had to improve when he dropped down to 3k in order to come back up.

                  Congrats man, following your journey that you detailed in a very interesting way, i hope you reach 5k while abusing that spectre of yours :p


                    congrats but I think focusing on increasing Spec ranking number rather than trying to GitGud is prolly detrimental to your progress overall

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      ^what he said


                        so top 100 heroes statitics owned by sub 4k players ? :facepalm:

                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                            I thought he was 4.5 k mmr right now?


                              Top 100 is such bullshit.

                              I know a lot of 3.9-3.8-4.1k-4.2k players that's in top100 by just playing a hero 1000 of times, and having decent stats.

                              It shows nothing.


                                @BlackXargon: What is your mmr now? I would think it should be around 4.7?


                                  ranks are stupid and always will be.


                                    yep I'm noob I know, that's why I'm trying to get better.
                                    don't worry, I'll practice harder and get that 5k.. #grind #needa6kcoach
                                    and I don't spam Spectre like every game Spectre.
                                    it's still very situational and depends on my lineup and enemy's lineup

                                    think about it, in A LOT of those games - my Spectre was a legit pick.
                                    don't you even wonder that in a game (ranked solo queue) where people always want mid and carry, how come I can last pick my Spectre and it fits with our lineup and enemy's lineup? ;)

                                    and yes, i will get good. the drop from 4.5k to 4k was due to many reasons:
                                    - forcing Gyrocopter and Earthshaker brought about by Fear and Universe game-play during TI5 grand finals
                                    - frustration since I've been hovering 4.3-4.5k for the past 2 months with 0 progress.

                                    I guess the feeling of winning in 4k brings back the good habits of what I need to have.
                                    hovering back and forth between 4.3k to 4.5k is such a nuisance that I lost touch of the proper game sense just to win.
                                    I have tried many things:
                                    - detailed game by game analysis (this took forever and took too long)
                                    - high-level game analysis and stress release like how I did it from 3.3k to 4.5k (struggled)
                                    - spammed Bloodseeker (only same win rate with my Spectre ~60%)
                                    - Gyrocopter and Earthshaker


                                      450 games on Spectre must be so boringgggggggg

                                      Quick maffs

                                        LMAO the salt in this thread


                                          dude I suggest playing some bot games they help you to improve

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            i know it sounds like im belittling you but im for real


                                              Glad that you're satisfied with your Spectre play.

                                              But you basically just confirmed what I told you waaaaaaay looooong ago that eventually you'll get sick of having to tryhard everygame just to maintain 4.5k mmr.

                                              lm ao

                                                BlackXargon plays in SEA so basically were just tickling him when we flame him at this current degree

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  putang ina mo


                                                    @Bararaq, wake up. your statement was different. you said i deserve 3K MMR.
                                                    I can win 4K MMR games quite easy. The barrier is 4.5K MMR.

                                                    I seldom pick meta heroes and I dont pick Spectre every game.
                                                    What more else is your definition of try hard?
                                                    People who wants to win?