General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't add rating buddy?

Can't add rating buddy? in General Discussion
tu tu tu

    I've been trying to add rating buddy many times but I can't for w/e reason. I do everything that instruction says but it says that the bot didn't receive my friend's request.

    What I do is go to bot's steam page. When I get there it says "This user hasn't yet set up their steam profile" but there is still "add friend" button. I press it and nothing happens. I press it several times more and nothing happens like it doesn't send me a message confirming that I sent a friend's request. So w/e then I go to dotabuff and press "confirm friend". It says that it didnt receive a friend's request and gives me a new bot.

    I have tried it with like 30 different bots and nothing happens. I have tried searching for anyone who has had the same problem but it seems like nobody does. I have had this profile for quite a while now and have been able to add people as friends recently just fine.

    So what the hell do I do? Am I doing something wrong? Any kind of help would be appreciated


      Hey I tried added the bot you're assigned to and it accepted with no issues.
      Is it possible that you have a limited steam account (one where you have not paid valve money) and therefore can not invite friends?


        Lawliebot might be right....I have a level 27 steam account and have a limit of 380 friends. You might have a similar limit due to your account level.

        tu tu tu

          Well the problem is actually indeed in my steam account after all. I have this weird problem where I can't add friends on steam itself but I can add people through game. I have had family view on steam for over a year that i never fucking set up but its still somehow there. Its been really annoying in some aspects while I've had it but I didnt think it wouldn't allow me to add friend everywhere. Anyway I'll contact steam support and hopefully they'll sort it out. Should be good after that. Thanks for the help