General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat happened here

What happened here in General Discussion

    Hey there (:
    PA abandoned early and in mid game everyone else abandoned too expect me and anti mage.
    i was 5/5 pugna and i decided to exit since its pointless 2vs5.

    Now i see it counts as lose althought it was game safe to leave and i got 5/11??
    My guees is that the anti mage controled my pugna and died the 6 other times, but why does it count on my stats?


      It counts because it wasn't an early abandon, this is to prevent people from leaving losing games and it not getting counted. So yes, shit happens, but we all have tons of those games on our profiles.

      Need to talk,remove your ...

        Even if its safe to leave, unless you see "no stats recorded"; everything is counted.


          This is quite stupid system, how am i supposed to win a 2vs5 game?
          It's not my fault that everyone abandoned.

          And is it normal that it counted my KD as 5/11?
          The extra 6 deaths were caused by other player using my hero.


            From one point of view, its not your fault that he abandoned, same as for your other 3 teammates.
            From another point of view, it's not your opponents' fault that a game they were winning was abandoned by their enemy.
            And that 2nd point of view is more viable (and it also works for more ppl, cz they are 5 and you are 4).


              Then the lose should be counted to this PA, nothing for us 4, and win to the 5 of opponent team.