General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all 5.5k and above dotabuffers, why haven't you attempted to go pro?

To all 5.5k and above dotabuffers, why haven't you attempted to go pro? in General Discussion


    I mean I've seen dotabuff teams occasionally on some random online tournies but thats all. Tbh, if I bothered investing enough time to get 6k+ (not saying i can), it would be because I dream of competing in shit like international.


      The dotabuff team is not even averaging 5k so trying to reach 6k to join that Squad would be backwards dunning krueger

      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

        pubs = comp Xd

        the realm's delight

          because 5,5k fukin sucks and mmr is irrelevant to how good of a player you are. it shows how good u are at spamming fotm heroes in pubs

          as for myself, i never tried cause i dont have trustworthy taemmates and i cant bother trying to find any

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            ^So what you just said is people adapting to patches equals people that isn't good at Dota? (Disregard people who spam 1 fotm)

            People that cries about people playing fotm heroes are just braindead. Spamming a fotm hero 50 games in a row is something, but playing a fotm hero is a part of being good at the game. You don't fuckin pick Sniper 19 patches ago with your finger up ur arse cause you're good at the game.

            Go back to something, ur high :facepalm:

            Last picking is 4 pussies

              ^---agree and disagree think you lost me on the sniper portion ;)

              Who is the current team dotabuff? 1-5

              the realm's delight

                yeah take any pub player like mage which only plays fotm shit and put him in a competitive team playing against legit players from pro scene and you'll see he just gets rolled over. you could very well be 4k or low 5k (like mason/akke) because you only play weak heroes or you just dont give a shit about pubs, and invest time into practicing with friends or players that are dedicated in getting good and playing competitive games and eventually you will go pro, if you really want to. anyways pursuing a pro dota 2 career is pretty dumb and blind like many pro players said, you could be very high skilled and have good mechanics but never be successful in the pro scene. if u look at all (well most of them anyways) players that come from dota 1 scene like dendi loda etc they played the game for fun, they never even thought about getting to where they are today

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  i mean i know people who used to play only tinker/void, switched to troll/sniper/jugger, and now play only leshrac , lina and bloodseeker


                    im 4k and i fuck around in all my games, mb if i tryhard i can go pro PogChamp


                      i really wanted to win as safelane storm so i firstpicked him 3 games in a row and lost, mb its not the right approach?


                        Mage doesn't only play fotm lol. And you're talking about specific players. Talking about Mason/Akke is like 2/100 pro players. Why would anyone rely on this information when thinking to go pro/playing pro/whatever.

                        also I misread the title unless you changed it. so my first post is irrelevant :cheeky:


                          ^^Bloodseeker is a dogshit hero so if you climb with him it's not related to fotm. Climbing with bloodseeker is rather equilevant to anyone spamming a specific hero to upp their mmr.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            ^^^Maybe not the right player? :cheeky:


                              i guess its called win with any resort


                                i mean i really like to play heroes like antimage or storm and i often pick them and lose
                                but people who only play a certain set of heroes in a certain patch seems like something unfun, do they not have a hero they enjoy playing?


                                  Some players play dota to improve and that's where they find enjoyment. It really isn't hard to understand if you have some empathy.

                                  Miku Plays

                                    fotm heroes i like them, they good


                                      networking is the biggest issue when going competitive

                                      + its hard to find people who can commit on a regular basis

                                      like here in singapore i've tried competitive a few times with some friends, we did okay, placed 9th-16th in open qualifiers for TI and could take games off the top teams in the region (which doesnt speak much) e.g. eliminating meracle's team from a lan competition. but we couldnt practice as a team on a consistent basis, between players in law school, one going through mandatory conscription etc etc there was just too much schedule conflict.

                                      that's just from my personal side

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        i used to do this "improve" thing but it stopped like 6 months ago ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                          roflmao ofc mmr doesnt mean shit everyone can spam, leshrac or bloodcyka or bountyhunter


                                            Well yeah but if you care about that game so much it doesn't make sense if you don't wanna go pro.

                                            I think like Zenoth was the only person who answered the question -_-"

                                            Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                              Yeah the hardest part is finding people who actually play the fucking game


                                                the hardest part is not finding ppl who can play like really amazing, the hardest part is finding people willing to invest a lot of time into playing together, and not just part ways after a tourney or 6 months


                                                  " i really wanted to win as safelane storm so i firstpicked him 3 games in a row and lost, mb its not the right approach? "

                                                  You tarnished the golden retriever reputation really. Shame.

                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                    FOTM is a poison in all games sheep of the world whether talented of not gravitate to what is easy with most reward always.


                                                      for the past 3 years i only found one rly good player that i could team with, rest may be good but they lack brain to go pro and also because i dont give a shit bout dota

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        trying doesn't mean succeeding


                                                          The hardest part is finding good players that you have good chemistry with and are equally dedicated to the same goals as you are. It's quite a miracle if you find them honestly :)


                                                            it's a graet point to get good before you start looking for people too

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              Because it takes a lot of commitment from you AND 4 people like you, and then you will actually start being a team that isn't even good.


                                                                The only team "good" in my country is eGX, but the average is easily 2.5k.
                                                                Hard to find the right people for a team

                                                                Giải Low

                                                                  ^ The average team in my school have the average mmr 4k, what country are u in ?

                                                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      FuCK yoU aLL Eim stiKNGI WiTH my LEshraC trIHard ShitSTAinss!~!!

                                                                      the east wind

                                                                        because solo ranked mm is more fun


                                                                          It's not that easy to climb up the ladder (which doesn't really exist, in fact) with a bunch of friends, and a lot of ppl just quit after first-second major defeat.


                                                                            Hmm maybe if I was already good and still in high school I would, not even if I was a young guy 18-21 would I do it , between partying working out work and college na. High school would be the mecca for free time tho for sure to get good


                                                                              @EG > ALL

                                                                              I'm from Chile, eGX lost against uGamers (the final, peruvian team) or something like that for the pre-qualys to the International


                                                                                FUCK YOUJ WIMMI

                                                                                dón kíj-

                                                                                  i have a 100% winrate on storm jungle its ridiciouls fast but i lose with him in mid xD