General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed In Coach and Viewpoint

Need In Coach and Viewpoint in General Discussion

    I am from SEA Servers. My point is I want to keep my play in check so i can reduced my number of mistake that i made in game.

    can someone here willing to coach me or watching my game? usually i play around 9 PM till 6 morning in GMT +7


      usually play from 9pm to 6am


      u w0t m8?


        yes. 9 pm to 6 am. usually. is that bad? :/

        Giff me Wingman

          that's fokken weird.

          I think u mean 9AM to 6PM.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            ur english is totally broken //


              no i think he really meant from 9 to 6 morning

              Livin' Real Good

                Yeah, damn, you play so much Dota, you trying to go pro or wha?

                You have a cute profile picture Tohsaka :L


                  not english spoken countries anyway lol.

                  i play 9 pm ( night ) to 6 am ( morning )


                    @Yorkey. yes i try to go pro. if sumail play for 9 hours i will make it 12 hours.


                      lol nice... I dont mind watching your games, can for sure help you with ta and techies :D

                      Livin' Real Good

                        hehe' wow, my hero :)
                        I'm doing too many things to just try and be good at one thing, but if you think you can do it, go for it :P

                        I actually know a few CSGO pro's (legendary eagle here, but don't play anymore for now cause of Dota 2) and they always tell me playing so much doesn't always help, your mind needs a break to breakdown the things you learned that day, you can't just play all day every day and expect to get fast results, i know it seems like it would work, and it works to some degree, but i still think doing others things in between is much healthier, and gives faster results.

                        Same way when working out, you don't just work out everyday 7 days a week, you work out 4-5 days a week, i honestly think 4 is better. Those rest days help you build muscle and definition so much faster.

                        If i was trying to go pro, i think 6 hours would be enough, but i'd have to consciously make an effort to improve in those 6 hours every day i play, but also work out to stay physically fit, and i'd draw and play guitar to free my mind to stay mentally fit and sharp, but that's just how i would go about going pro. Then just keep at it everyday. Many people on here would disagree and say "nah' just play 10 hours a day" which is fine i guess.

                        Goku hyperbolic time chamber training method > Vegeta's

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          you need to strive to improve if you really aim for pro.
                          don't just play the same shitty 3k mmr way for 12 hours straight :D
                          watch some player perspective (replay/stream) of a a good player playing the hero you are currently trying to learn and try to understand what and why he does it, and try to do it somewhat like that.

                            კომენტარი წაიშალა

                              2 or 3 match a day for a warm up

                              and then another 8 hours for actuall playing