General Discussion

General DiscussionCosmetic Items and gameplay?

Cosmetic Items and gameplay? in General Discussion

    So Here we are on another thread. DOTA 2 Have so many cosmetic items from the cheapest to the most expensive. from the normal to immortal. from the sets to change effects.

    Are this cosmetics affect you in your gameplay? did you suddenly feeling so good when you wearing your best cosmetics items on your hero?


      i would say i play better sf with arcana than without.

      i just like the raze animation better and the ulti better.


        pay2win 4Head


          and the psychologycal effect from cosmetics is just like 'wew arcana, he must good' when actually he just play 1 game with it. lol

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            I dont know why, but the lesh immortal makes the stun aoe look a little bigger than normal lesh? is it just me?

            Livin' Real Good

              I just finished saying that..... This is my thread. O_O

              I already talked about how the storm immortal red hat makes you play better with him, the red ball lightning, and the bad ass sound effect that comes with it are just too sick, makes him much more intimidating when he's charging at you with his ball lightning, exactly why SumaiL used it at TI5. Kappa

              I was such shit with storm, had a 2.11KD, now 3.70 or something, and my win rate was total shit with him too(still kinda is LOL) i recently got the immortal, and my confidence has gone up with him, now i think i'm ready to play ranked matches with him, but i'm still practicing more mid heroes in pubs right now though until the end of the month.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა



                  changing in game name sometimes gives you a different attitude though

                  Livin' Real Good

                    It's not just you Abunai, I was thinking the same thing. I barely realized you had Dota buff plus, you try hard. Kappa o_o


                    Silence cute puppy dog with a rose in it's mouth ! :P
                    You no play with me :/

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      What if other players don't see your cosmetics? Intimidating effect failed?

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Sure i'd like the cosmetic, but it's not the same if these kids can't see it when they're getting owned, but they can see it.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          You never know if they disabled cosmetics or not. It's unfair if you are the only one who can see your supercool set...

                          Livin' Real Good

                            They don't disable it, if they did, the sales would drop drastically, half of the reason people buy it is to show off to other people how awesome they look with it, half of the reason we buy clothes, or even a subconscious reason we buy clothes in real life. Some dude a few games ago had Faceless Void's Battle Fury, which i thought was amazing, too bad he had to leave cause of his dumb child needing attention, and we lost. o_o


                              well there is that PotM arrow that looks like a massive glowing sperm. It's at least a little easier to see coming, so I guess that makes people with the arrow play worse.


                                If you play against me, I'll see only default model of your hero.

                                P.S. It was Armadillo - the last nail to the coffin that made me want to disable cosmetics.


                                  if you were extremely angry at a dude and you were going to fight him, would it matter if he had blonde hair or black hair?


                                    only thing i give a fuck in cosmetics

                                    is gems i love my tracked refraction damage absorbed

                                    and my leshrac stuns landed

                                    and my rupture kills

                                    and my double hero shakle

                                    and my essence shift stats stolen and whatnot


                                      it's fine
                                      except that fucking pet, i hate that thing


                                        i have a gem in sf arcana : 3 raze combo.
                                        and i have 2 of them PogChamp.
                                        i also have like 50 long raze kills in like 5 games.


                                          idk why the pet was necessary, just begging for profit