General Discussion

General DiscussionCompare yourself to a talent/pro player

Compare yourself to a talent/pro player in General Discussion

    1. Personality

    2. Playstyle

    3. Look

    4. Extra whatever you want to add





        1. im a flaming c7nt and a ret@rd, we're the same

        2. the same

        3. ofc im superior to him

        4. im a better player no Kappa no EleGiggle


          Probably Xboct.


            1. someone like n0tail mb?

            2. ee or rtz or someone who likes to farm

            3. i don't really know a player that looks similar to me

            4. i got nothing to add :(


              1. The Personality like RTZ

              2. The Play style like RTZ

              3. The Face of a Dog

              4. I am RTZ with Extra Dumbness

              Low Expectations

                1. Personality of EE
                2. Playstyle of Misery
                3. Look of Boner7
                4. The feeder like PieLieDie


                  so basically you are like a small clown9 :D


                    Im not compare with nobody im the best. Literally best brood dotabuff find me Rolf

                    For real I think iceiceice

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Personality of n0tail?
                      Playstyle of XBOCT, with less throws
                      Look of Chuan


                        what sam you look like chuan?


                        personality - rtz
                        playstyle - sing
                        looks - icex3


                          personality - rtz

                          playstyle - sing

                          looks - G-DRAGON


                            i look like chuan except that im not fat and not asian

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              ^ U WOT M8 ?


                                playstyle - RTZ
                                looks - somali
                                personality - puppy i guess


                                  personality: probably EE/singsing aka super tryhard impatient and shit like that and clowny as fuck too
                                  playstyle : ferrari430 ? idk i like farm in mid
                                  looks : used to look like FNG when i had long hair :D but now not anymore
                                  EXTRA : PENIS

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    personality: notail
                                    playstyle: illidan/agressif
                                    looks: a way better version of pajkatt
                                    extra: I'm a superior. How does it feel to be inferior?


                                      personality : chuan sometiems calm sometimes super mad

                                      playstyle : agressif

                                      looks : chuan with long hair

                                      ps : i am shit xd

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        personality: best
                                        playstyle: best
                                        looks: best there is
                                        I'm fuckin extra player.


                                          personality: EE
                                          looks: I guess arteezy but less bored looking and longer hair, idk
                                          extra: I DONT LOOK LIKE ANYONE

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            Personality: bone7 this dude has a hidden rage

                                            Playstyle: bone7/misery

                                            Looks: screw it bone7

                                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                1. Personality, none, cause i think i'm different enough (oh, look at me, i'm cool) to the point where it's hard to find people who have things in common with me. Some of these players walk into a room where no one knows about Dota, then they become just normal people who come and go, when i go in, i kind of have presence when i come and go, and for good reasons. (i like to think and have been told) So maybe like Dendi?

                                                2. Play Style, probably like Salza from Dotabuff (yes, he's pro, so silence O_O) passive, and only looks for openings, and advantageous situations.

                                                3. Looks, probably better looking then everyone in the pro scene, even got asked to do something for Colgate tooth paste when i was younger, but my mom refused and said it looked shady.

                                                4. Extra, I don't like to talk about myself, so I want to hear more about what you people have to say! :)

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                the realm's delight

                                                  personality: probably ar1se/bone7
                                                  playstyle: a mix of dendi & rtz
                                                  look: singsing but taller, no asian looks and cooler haircut

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    ^pics? lack on masturbation material these days. Nobody I can compare to myself


                                                      1. S4 - calm, quiet, tryhard...
                                                      2. Sylar - I grew up watching him...
                                                      3. idk nothing really looks like me :D, but probably rtz with blue eyes. BLEEEEEED BLUUEEEE


                                                        1. Pepperoni, not sure why
                                                        2. rotk
                                                        3. like Silent from Empire but with a jewish nose :horse:

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                          1) rtz- spam his meme rap

                                                          2) xboct - in retard dives only

                                                          3) ixmike88 - minus the stache