General Discussion

General DiscussionSome MMR tipps :D

Some MMR tipps :D in General Discussion

    Hello guys, firstly sorry for my bad english i hope everyone understand me :)

    The last weaks/months i drop from 4.4 to 4.1 !!

    Can someon give me tipps to improve and reach (maybe) the 5k ?? And guys i want you honest opinion !

    i hope for some helpfull stuff

    thanks for reading and answering :D


      I hope you're not the kind of player that goes "if i drop, its cuz i nvr tried/unlucky" and "if i climb = i pro"

      If you want to reach 5k, there is no shortcut. Ultimately, people get to 5k when they improve their mechanical skills and efficiency. You still get people at 5k playing dumb as bricks which is why so many 5ks on this forum still complain about games there. The sole difference is that all the players there have the mechanical skills to back them up.

      You might not see the difference but just try getting to play against flat 3k players. You'll personally find it fockin' easy to mid or lane anywhere against them. That's how 5k players see you.


        Firstly thank you for answering and i`m not the kind of player

        i hope i understood you comment right. Can you give me tipps how i increas my impact in the game?? :)


          Heya, I originaly got my solo ranked at 2.6, got to 3.45 twice currently at 3.3 personaly I find being active early on the map and communicating with your team realy important.

          Now my MMR is lower than yours so it might be different. But I always say "Communication is the key to success".
          If no one buys wards etc. buy them yourself. You need dust? Tell your team and get some yourself.
          That often makes a massive impact in the game.

          Do you have a solo support and is he struggling? Help him for christ's sake.
          If your support goes 0-7 tell him you get the wards for a bit and let him get tanky/some items.

          Hope it helps some. ^^

          ED WUNCLER

            Go mid. if you lose morethen you win its you. simple?

              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
              Paid actor

                ^ u r the kind of player that makes me sick...freakin FOTMs, its true that my most played hero is qop but i have been doin that since the dota1 days and every1 can pretty much tell that that amount of games didnt come lately and i cant remember the last time i picked leshrac and bloodseeker, and btw i used to play storm but i havent played him a single time since the patch coz i would feel disgusted with myself.

                Pickin heroes who r quite favorable or considered "op" will just grind u the way to 5k if u have the skills to back it up ofc, but that will leave u starving the moment they fall off favor, u will still drop in mmr and will come here for the thread of ur life on how u keep gettin noobs in ur team being the main reason u drop.

                And on top of everything u r smurfin, can it get even worse?

                ED WUNCLER

                  ^ you make me sick !!

                  Paid actor

                    ^rnt u supposed to give some kind of argument why? or is it just some random sickness u gettin

                    Paid actor

                      On topic
                      Decision making and map awarenes. Map awarness is extremly important, ive been in the bracket u r for most of my time, and i came back to dota after 1 year break before kind of a month or two...and i droped from 4.5k to 3.9k in just a week then climbed back to 4.8k and the biggest change i made (appart from removin the rust) was map awarness, i keep forcing myself to look at the minimap every 4-5 secs to know exactly where every1 is or not, its true i might miss 1-2 lasthits once in a while but its rly worth it, it has payed off so much.

                      Decision makin is the second biggest factor imo in between 4-5k, i cant count the number of times when we were 3 greedy cores and the enemy was so focused on midgame fights and i kept splitpushing instead of fighting while we actually had next to no chance to hold any tower at all while some of my team members kept shouting on top of their lungs for defending towers and smoke ganking, eventually the feedfest was on and we lost all outter towers but dragged the game long enough with some buybacks and we ended up turning the tide, im pretty sure that if we had gonne to defend the towers like 2-3 teammates asked for we would have been rekt quite early.

                      I know this examples were like common knowledge (physical dmg is reduced by armor :D ), but theres a diffrence between understanding smth and learning it. I hope it helped.



                        Thank you guys for the tipps , i keep it in my mind :)

                        »I|[ LØrd Ěddard $tark ]]

                          Play only mid and carry, ignore all the rest of roles.


                            srsly my friend upped his solo mmr from 4200 to 5000 playing on SUPPORTS. And that thing works. cuz you can save your team, and help your carry.

                            Dont forget about being a leader and capitan. Support is the best role to control map and giving nice tips to your team.


                              Now i ll tell you a huge secret. srsly

                              You should play untill you win.
                              You are begining playing.
                              1) If you win, you will play next. Win again? Play the next one.
                              2) If you loose - stop playing that day.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                People often forget that to rise in mmr you actually need to make your teammates work for you well.
                                Carrying them is just a fraction of encouraging them.

                                Wi-Fi Warrior

                                  if ur support have sme trouble, like low on cash. Just tell him that ur gona ward. Working with my riki, that play as support

                                  lm ao

                                    I'm not a rapper, I'm a Leshrac spammer


                                      Just play consistent enough, sometime you will just get idiot rektmate in your team and sometime you will get carried instead.
                                      If you think you are good enough, always go to offlane/hard lane and try to win it.
                                      You rekt their carry and you will win the match most of time.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                      Lumn .......CSGO500

                                        In 3k it's so fucking hard to go up. If i go support my carry or mid is shit amd we get raped with ganks or those things. I pick carry we are 4 carrys/nukers and one lomely supp that can't buy wards all the game. I go mid no wards in the entire game or my carry feeds... Sometimes i do wrong, of course, but many times its couse lack of communication and bad picks


                                          I made a smurf a while ago, calibrated at 4.7k,managed to reach 4968 then in 1 week i dropped 600 MMR having cancerous games with tards feeding/russians flaming and all that kind of stuff.Its all about decision making and knowing the game mechanics really well, i found out that the best way to improve mmr is to play MID or Offlane and dominate those 2.If you can play undying/lich duo on the offlane do it with someone, you will wreck that lane to pieces.Other than that play heroes like Storm/QoP/Lesh/Ember(Mid when you can).
                                          Its a hard road but dont go greedy like i did trying to win 2 more games for 5k and ruined my entire MMR.
                                          Good luck !


                                            1. Pick Your Best Role. Easiest One Are Carry / Mid. Cause You Control The Game. Push / Def / Roshan / Gank / Farm
                                            2. Never Play MMR When You Are Tired. Physically or Psychologycally.
                                            3. If Win -> Play Again . If Lose -> Enough Playing That day.
                                            4. Spam 4-5 Hero that you have mastered.


                                              Thank you all for the good tipps!!!

                                              i`m still 4.1 but the next days i give my best to reach 4.5