General Discussion

General DiscussionKriGer - Streaming SoloQ

KriGer - Streaming SoloQ in General Discussion
Tom the Belieber


    I’ve decided to start streaming out my Dota games, mainly solo queue ranked atm. As I write this I’m 4908 mmr and I mainly play solo support.

    A little bit about me: I’m 26 and I’ve been playing dota on and off since the release of TFT back in 2004. I lived in Korea for 2 years and played in several leagues over there such as the Korean Elite League and South East Asian Elite League. I also was captain and played the 5th position on like a tier 3 team in SEA The Asterisk B Experience (scrimmed with teams like MVP and think we were div2 JDL). After Korea I spent some time travelling around SEA and Greece and then I made a new account which calibrated at 4.2kish and have been climbing the mmrs since then.

    Unfortunately I’ve been gone from NA for so long I don’t really know anyone over here that plays dota anymore. I may try and join a team but for now I’m just going to climb mmr.

    New to streaming so if you guys have any suggestions just respond here and I’ll check this daily or send me a message on twitch or even just use the twitch chat which I’ll alt tab often to read (in-between games and when I’m dead etc.)

    Sched: For the next month or so I’ll be streaming Mon-Fri around 1:00pm PST to 11:00pm PST. Will also stream some on the weekends when I’m not busy, just won’t have set hours for that.



    თემა შეიცვალა
    Tom the Belieber

      streams up

      Tom the Belieber

        rejuvenated over the weekend, grinding mmrs all day

        Tom the Belieber

          Planning for a long win streak today


            I wish I could watch at the same time you stream. I'll watch the broadcasts though