General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the advantage to A-clicking for last hits, over right click+st...

What's the advantage to A-clicking for last hits, over right click+stop command? in General Discussion

    I've been watching streamers, and most of them seem to prefer a clicking for enemy cs , over using right click and stop command for timings.

    Is it just personal preference or is there any benefit?


      you can A click the ground to attack the closest unit, rather than having to click the unit itself

      less chance of missing in theory and can be faster


        Oh that makes a lot of sense, coz i remember watchign replays of streams, and for example, id see suma1l click behind him but his character would keep attacking the tower.

        I've been playing with right click + stop for far too long , so im unsure if switching to this is worth it, feel too comfy with right clicking, ill try in bots to see if it helps me in any way


          only noobs play with the right click shit, it started with the noobs that werent good enough to last hit then it got really mainstream for useless retarded noob players and well -> reason why you use it too!

          casual gamer

            yeah its a lot easier to click the ground and aggro on the closest unit that to click on the person

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            im so bad at artifact

              There's a difference between rightclick/stop and just plain stop (with autoattack on) spam.

              Both of them allow your autoattack to be sort of "pre-wound-up" so you just stop cancelling it when you want to attack. It means you can release your autoattack a little bit sooner than "wait until you want to attack, then right click". Plain stop spam tends to cock the attack a little further than rightclick/stop.

              Dire Wolf

                don't listen to beano, he will also try to convince you how legacy keys are so superior and only noobs use remap


                  They are better though! Ofc there are certain heroes you'd like to have your own set of keys like rubick, invoker, meepo and such

                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                      attack ground is 50% of my last hits


                        attack ground destination -->always, unless im running

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Benao is wrong btw.

                          Using outdated shitty UI interfaces based on WC3 Dota is not optimal.

                          Use right click deny and use A click situationally.