General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat actions mean in plus?

What actions mean in plus? in General Discussion
Koirien suojelija



      whats that


        u mean actions per minute?

        Koirien suojelija

          @jo~ yes


            basically how many commans u send with ur mouse per minute, the quantity of clicks


              it's actually not just clicks but unit commands. So something like spam pinging will not inflate your APM. You can read more here:


                APM is basically the amount of commands you send to your hero. As far as I'm aware, things like right clicks, item usage, using any abilities and stopping your hero count as actions.

                Basically it's a measure of how many actions are you issuing to your hero. As an example, sumail invoker would have amazingly high APM as he is right clicking, invoking spells, changing quas wex exort and positioning himself.

                A higher APM means that you are more active in controlling your hero with more precision, as opposed to right clicking things occasionally. EG: if you're leaning and just right click to move, right click to harass/ last hit, you'd have a lower APM as opposed to A clicking or auto attacking and stopping your hero, orb walking and last hitting and denying the friendly creeps.

                The higher the APM usually used to translate to higher mechanical prowess, so you'd see more kids with higher APM than say safe lane farming trail and carries.


                  Still don't understand how some people have apm > 400. i feel your need a new mouse halfway through each match! (and a new hand)


                    @Rocket you are normal skilled


                      noooo, really? dickhead.


                        That mean you have cancer and you are useless. Alot of matches played and still normal skill.


                          I think I'd rather be playing in normal skill than someone who measures people's worth by the size of their epeen.


                            lol you've got almost more games just spamming brood than i have ever played of dota :-D