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General Discussionsimple explaination on why you shouldn't blame noob teammates as the ...

simple explaination on why you shouldn't blame noob teammates as the reason you cant grind mmr in General Discussion

    Statistically, if there is 1 account buyer in everygame (common sight at low 5k/high 4ks), there is a 50% chance of you getting account buyers on your team, 50% of the other team getting it.

    It WILL ALWAYS balance out!! Take my last 2 games for example, I was trolling around on luna so hard that i went for aghs as the first core item, and still stomped (in the process finding out that aghs on luna is fkin legit -> 2.5k range AOE 1k+ damage nuke). The opponents were subpar, They had a guy that firstpicks phantom lancer, then somewhere along the picks they went for furion jungle against opponent team that has leshrac, this shows 2k signs of game understanding, obviously account buyer/booster. YOU CANNOT, ABSOLUBELY NOT, FIRST PICK phantom lancer! That hero is meant to be picked in the later stages of the draft, too many heroes can limit the effectiveness of phantom lancer and he needs to know the opponent picks before picking lancer (even EE doesn't go 1st pick lancer, the quickest lancer EE got was like 3rd pick lancer I believe, but at the same time i remember they banned ember as well). Checking the game stats, the private profiles on dota2 and annonymous profiles on dotabuff is probably a sign of account frauds as well.

    So back to the point, on my latest lina (lost game), there was a PA that literally begged my to give up safefarm and trust him, I was like ok... I do enjoy playing support as well, so i picked lina, somewhere along the line, we had a storm pick. Now in this particular god-forsaken moment, we had to pick a carry, I suggested anti-mage as it would eliminate the chance that opponents take it to counter storm, plus we could really use antimage to counter lesh. BUT NO! He locks PA like a boss - "We got this bois". I checked his profile and instantly knew we were doomed, based on commendations on his profile, I can tell that he probably has less than 100 dota games on that account (only 1 commend on friendliness, zero on all others. If you played long enough to be near 5k you would at least have 10+ commends on each category unless you are a whining bitch everygame). Then i just went yolo and stacked massive camps for sk and storm, 15 minutes in I can confirm that PA wont be able to carry for dog-shit. Game was pretty much over when you save his decision making pre-15 mins. I just went full yolo and decided to transition to carry lina but we lost anyway.

    Too much blab-erring about unnecessary game details, I know. But the point is, some things are out of control, like the retard opponents when im owning as lesh; or the retard carry on my team when im support lina. Point is... 50% of the time the game is out of your control-game was already lost in picking phase/ the moment that an account buyer screws up hard. BUT... The only controlled variable is yourself in each game, if you find how to maximize the effectiveness of your gameplay, THAT IS IF YOU CAN CARRY YOUR TEAM, no matter the circumstances or teammates (even with account buyers) to victory, then you truly deserve high mmr.

    If you watch streams like EE when he was 7k (still is i think), he captains the dog-shit out of the 5k players he is matched with. Taking that as an example, if you have an account buyer mid, when he starts feeding a bit, instead of insulting his mother, you could be stacking the camps for that dogshit player to recover. And if he is lost about what to do during mid game - SPAM PING the camps you stacked OR rosh if you feel like its a good rosh oppurtunity that can be seized. Tell them when items would be suitable if you see their bank loaded with 5k gold and still not buying anything. Usually at this point, they will start to have some respect for you ("ooh look this guy knows how to stack camps, and I get lots of gold from it because he pinged me to go for it, he seems to be pretty experienced in this game"), naturally and indirectly, you have already gained their respect - its a psychological thing, seize that opportunity to captain them, they are your peasants now.

    So there is only one exception left, IF YOU STACK THE CAMPS FOR THEM, and tell them nicely and guide them to where they should be and nicely suggest items choices, and they still don't give two fucks.. And instead they reply with this specific majestic line called "cyka blyat ". Just set your pc on fire and take a stroll, you deserve better.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      *sigh* 4/9ths they will be on your team, 5/9th on the opponents - if your initial premise were correct, you would have a 55% winrate and climb.

      either your premise is wrong or you aren't as good as your mmr.


        ^exactly what i thought after reading the first lines


          idk lol I've been playing with high ping and low game knowledge in SEA from TI1-3. Then I moved to EU. Since then I've been slowly climbing since 1 and a half years ago when i moved to EU. I was jack shit when I was back in SEA, 2 months before coming to EU I calibrated at 3k mmr, took me exactly 1 year and 3 months to climb to high 4k's and I've been stuck here for weeks now. Then this thought hit me so i decided to write about it


            I know rising 2k mmr in a year and a half isn't a big deal but this was the way I did it anyay. I'm not saying I'm good. I wished I was better tho. I throw games quite often in fact because of my silly mistakes

              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა



                  - Stacks 4 camps
                  - None of your team can manfight those monsters without dying
                  - Enemies spot them out and clear it
                  - Cyka