General Discussion

General DiscussionSf tips please

Sf tips please in General Discussion

    Hi i just started dota about a few months ago. And i really want to improve at this hero so much. If there are players here who have the time to criticize me(i can take it) or give me pointers, it would be really great! Thanks!




        Looks like I'm at roughly the same skill level as you, so I can tell you what's worked for me. And then the higher skill people can tell you whats the best way to play.

        theres generally 3 main ways you can play sf,

        1) Blink euls : more common in high elo, more suited for pick offs, kind of wastes a slot for late game.

        2) SB : more appropriate for sub 3k lvl games, where detection is pretty low (check this game out lol : ) , can be made into silver edge if needed, can also be used for pickoffs

        3) Mek build : seen quite commonly in pro dota, mainly for 5 man style early fight early push, not recommended for our elo.

        skill builds depends on whos winning lane around lvl 3, if its you whos winning, id take 2nd lvl souls for more right click.

        if its he whos starting to pull away, i get lvl 2 raze for helping zone out enemy and get more cs, at the cost of reduced right click dmg.

        when you're mid, try to make sure theres no time bieng wasted, if you've razed their wave down and your guys are pushing dont stand there, rotate to the jungle take 1 or 2 camps and start coming back once the enemy creeps are back. (watch a few of suma1l's clips to see him do this very effectively, specially on radiant)

        deso is a nice item if youre steamrolling and just wanna end early.

        sny is a pretty good item gives you nice ms a slow a bit of tankiness, i generally go this item right after shadow blade.

        after this it depends on game, good pickups are skadi, bfly , satanic, bkb, see what the game needs

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Nice tips! Tho the bad thing about this meta is a sf scales very low unto the late game with old fashioned carries(pl,am,void) and scrubs wont push the towers or pressure it while the lead we have. sigh

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            Well hes generally not the hardest carry for the team, but he can snowball and make sure enemy team doesn't get a chance to comeback.

            Ganking is not a great idea during laning unless you get a great rune, but keep a tp to tp into other lanes and get easy kills.

            I generally push out my tower at mid and get the enemy tower before I consider going around for pickoffs.

            Shadow blade pickoffs and ganks make it easy to turn around. dont always waste time trying to stand on top of people for your ult. In teamfights just pop it closeby, coz the attack dmg reduction and slow go thru bkb and thats what helps in a teamfight.


              I suggest you to watch Maybe's (LGD mid) games in TI5. He is a great example for which building you should be going for depending on your enemy. Sometime he went straight to Mekansm, sometime BKB.

              But I also suggest you to give a skillpoint to the ulti at lvl6. Do not wait for until lvl9. The balance between Raze and Necromastery depends on the game but give the lvl6 skillpoint to ulti.

              Another also, if you go for Shadow Blade build, do not open Presence of the Dark Lord skill until it's necessary. It's an aura and it'll get you detected with sentry ward or dust. Just give that skill point to stats.

              As for Eul build, go for it if you think you can finished the game at or before mid game. It's like a gamble.
              Although it's not a popular item for SF any more, I still think AC is a great item on SF. Provides tankiness and DPS, also with Presence of the Dark Lord skill you'll lower enemy's armor by 11 which is huge. I can not say the same thing for Desolator since it's an orb effect.
              BKB+AC+Satanic+Skadi+S&Y, this SF is a pretty tough bird to kill.

              PS: I don't think PL is bad in this meta. The hero is too damn strong and not as fragile as AM and Void.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                *silently whispers*
                normal skill
                *flies away*


                  lasthit creeps

                  get souls

                  raze jungle stacks that ur team did/u did inbetween farming lane

                  get too farmed

                  rightclick like noone ever did that in history of dota2

                  watch ur enemy team scream


                    farm more than your enemys