General Discussion

General DiscussionThe skills that 3000-4000 MMR supports lack

The skills that 3000-4000 MMR supports lack in General Discussion

    I kinda took the time to look at some games and figure out where supports go wrong. After many replays and training, I've come up with a theory which might help supports.

    1. You are dirt! You are that homeless guy on the corner! You are dirt poor! At the same time, you are the unsung hero of the match.
    -Support picks need to be strong in the early and mid game. One way to do this is to get an actual good pick. I am not talking just about the abilities of the support, I am talking about his stat gain, armor and attack damage. Supports need all this to ensure an advantage.

    2. Proper ward placement.
    -The popular wards we see in the casual and pro matches are popular for a reason. They grant good vision, but are easily predictable. I've discovered some good ward spots that are not that common, but still grant 80% of the vision the popular ones granted. Out of all the matches, I've got my wards dewarded 10% of the time. I'd also like to mention that when your jungle camps are blocked, you should learn where to deward correctly, and not block another camp.

    3. Zoning out the offlaner in the laning phase.
    -The one aspect of the support I have mastered to perfection is probably zoning out the offlaner. To make sure you do the samem, you require decent armor to make the trading efficient, enough regen to sustain you and your carry if needed, a lane ward which lets you see the movement of the offlaner, and most important not drawing agro. A good support to practice this with imo is Silencer, since he doesn't need to worry about drawing the agro with his glaves of wisdom.

    4.The friggen most op item in the game!!!
    -A tp costs just 100 gold, and yet is the most op item in the game. You can help with a counter gank and turn the tides of the battle with just 100 gold. Imagine this: 2 heroes are ganking your mid laner. Most of the time they will commit to the gank and probably dive your tier 1 tower. A few seconds later, you tp and secure at least a kill, and if not, you just saved your midlaners life. Worst case scenario is everybody walking away alive, the enemy wasted over a minute planning the gank, and you just wasted a few seconds.This requires some major map awareness though, since in the 3k bracket nobody communicates properly.

    -This is something you learn with time. And it is kind of a general skill which does not directly help you, but it does indirectly. This includes when rotating, checking the game clock and if the minute is about to end it means you should stack. Sensing your if your enemy is near if they have been of the map for a while (this is the supports job, and calling missing on other lanes is appreciated)

    That is all for now, if anybody wants me to, I can go a bit more in depth

    P.S. Most of my games are support, about 70-80% of them actually. Also played for a regional team at one point as a 5 role

    თემა შეიცვალა
      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

        i do all of the above


          when im playing carry too


            i don't usually play support because im so good i not only zone out the offlaner but also the midder! In return i get a midas on my carry, a midas on my midder and a midas on my fucking jungle afk retard which in turn results in a 20 MIN LOSS


              @Makarazium, seems like you had some bad luck bro. Since the majority of the community is either 3 or 4k, this guide is supposed to help them. The problem is the players have nowhere to learn from. I haven't seen a dota youtuber go In depth about supporting in a few years. Purge is decent, but his guides are way outdated and he misses quite a few points.

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                @ OP

                So you made a new account and of course offer this advice as someone who doesn't play support.


                  @Last picking is 4 pu*sies sadly my old account has been stolen along with a few games I had there. Vlave still aren't able to return it to me. Like it or not, somebody has to play a support as I see it as one of the hardest roles to master


                    Anyways I've been playing dota since 2004 so it doesn't hurt to get a little advice

                    Dire Wolf

                      It's true supports in 3k NEVER stack. I try to especially for flash farming heroes like am. Other game I was even stacking for our support sand king so he could farm blink. Got him a triple medium camp.

                      And just please win the fucking lane. Supports get obsessed with pulling and don't realize the carry is getting hammered by a ridiculous offlaner like a clock tide or wr. Most carries actually need help with those types. Priority should be securing lane so carry gets every cs

                      SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                        ^ If your carry is bat shit retarded at creep equilibrium theres almost nothing you can do unless youre playing lich or enigma who can take out one of your own on a whim.

                        Also, you bitches need to learn how to pull troll camp. I mean, seriously. ._.

                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                            I think the first thing 3k supports could and should improve is knowing WHEN to pull. So many times I'll be farming a passive lane with my support standing there. Not really zoning, but his presence keeping the enemy back, only for him to get bored and pull the lane when it was already in an ideal spot. This causes the lane to come under tower, then push even harder if they don't properly pull through, then they keep doing it to fix the problem he created, so now I am solo in a lane bouncing back and forth between towers and giving the offlaner free CS.

                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                Haha! You think 3k supports pull through? Happens like 10% of the time. Hence the back and forth cluster fuck of the wave that is worse off than just keeping the offlane from getting any CS

                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                  Miku Plays

                                    solo supporting is ez the only hard thing is you need good positioning in fights.


                                      Why are you guys complaining about 3ks? You think you're better? How do you think they feel that you miss 1/2 of your last hits?


                                        number 1 thing bad supports dont understand is how much pressure they exert by staying off the map
                                        like if an earthshaker just decides to afk in fountain for 5 mins he reduces the gpm of all the enemy cores by 100 at least


                                          I play a lot of support roles, and giving the farm to my carry, and doing my best to harass the enemy carry. I usually feel that I shouldn't dive and stuff initially and go out of position because the carry will kill me, though at the same time, initially supports are much stronger. With proper positioning harassing and gaining exp is easy, just need to choose your heroes better so you don't get caught, eg like a support needs to be careful with heroes that can nuke you down quick and position accordingly.

                                          Another thing I know I don't do adequately is check the enemy items and positions. I'm getting better at map awareness, though I feel like if there is no communication, it makes the awareness difficult. All you need sometimes is a reminder.