General Discussion

General DiscussionSupporting is hard

Supporting is hard in General Discussion



      those 10+ deaths on your teammates are cause dazzle didn't do his work


        @Mentalfruit the mighty
        At this moment we can only hope and wait for another patch, where supports may get a life again.


          ^what do you mean?
          this is me playing 5 recently

 and this one was lost purely cuz sf didn't play like a 5k should


            pretty ez game, buy everything, including tps/salves for 5500 mmr antimage account buyer and you are golden


              Winter Wyvern alone is enough to make 6.84 lovely.

              Also OP, your team was asking to lose for not picking any reliable disable against Storm.


                Is it possible to play Earth Spirit as #5? I always thought he needs fast levels.

                I often fail with WWs heal. It allows enemy team to reinitiate on my frozen teammate. =(


                  @soultrap yeah lately i only played es 5
                  you need only lvl 2 to gank mid, just gotta hit both spells and with pretty much any mid (sf,lina,lesh,wr etc) its a kill in mid.
                  and after this just roam, try to create situations, buy everything and hope that ur team can use the space kappa


                    When you are a dazzle and your team all has so many deaths, you should consider it a failure

                    Winter Wyvern is not so OP as people make her out to be... Just because sonnieko had a few BRILLIANT games with her and plays her really well...
                    Overall pub win rate: 50.2 %
                    TI5 win rate: 38 % (73 games)

                    She has so so many counters, and yes if someone plays really well with her they can make a big difference but there are a lot of other heroes like that and who in my opinion are a lot more OP
                    Her ult is really good but if the other team is clever they will know to avoid it, otherwise I think WW skills are a bit of a downgrade on a lot other supports except situationally against the right heroes


                      What is best itembuild for support Brood? Start with Orb of Venom?

                      the realm's delight

                        supporting isnt hard, its boring and worthless if u dont have a good team


                          just techies then

                          Antonio Gramsci

                            No offense to mentalfruit. But your dazzle seems to be selfish with only 3 deaths. You should have used W to your teammates instead. And as a support you should know where other team is coming from by putting wards and defensive warding, or setting up your team by SOD. GG!

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              ur just bad

                              Pos 5 (always)

                                yah. agree. supporting is useless if you don't have able carries. i play support since the beginning. haha. i love dazzle too. my dazzle has 50.75% winrate atm. is just a matter of luck to have able carries. the catch is, you are to be blame for not having enough gold to buy wards. lol. but sacrificing yourself for them is a must, whether they are able or not. just let them live to dish out some damage, you'll never know whether they can go wipe the enemy team with just your grave. lol.