General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about the Lancer

Question about the Lancer in General Discussion
turbo player

    Hi guys, retarded noob here. Recently I'm learning to play PL and have some question I cant answer myself. If some good players on dotabuff would like help me, I will very appreciated :d I have some question:
    _ When to max w right after q and when to go for 2-3 stats ? Today i saw Kuroky play PL with 4-1-1-2 and 3 stats at level 11 and he seems really fine.
    _ When to go for heart/skady/fly ?
    _ When to rush diffusal and when to yasha -> diffusal -> manta ?
    _ Is mid PL legit, have anyone tried it ? according to dotabuff, mid PL has ~68% winrate with ~3.3% playrate x_x

    Thanks for reading xD

    the realm's delight

      honestly i think u should always prioritize stats over doppleganger shit and rush thing
      illidan is playing pl now

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        doppleganker skilling depends on how often do u need to dodge projectiles or dodge fights/ganks

        if u dont need it skip it cuz with stats u farm faster

        normal default pl build would be boots > drums > vlads/yasha > diffusal > manta > buterfly/heart (depending if many nukes or heavy phyiscal damage on enemy team) > skadi/basher/whatnot

        mid pl could work but i think its better to just safelane farm on it cuz theres so much stronger ranged heros to do midlane with


          RAPIRA RUSH

          Wet Old Soggy Vegetable

            I have been going boots > aquila >lifesteal mask >diffusal >HoD> manta and i have like 70% win over 30 or so games at 4k


              Im not a very experienced phantom lancer, but lately this build has given me good results in games where I was super pressured in my lane.

              I started with tango, salve, 1 branch, queeling blade, boots, morbid mask at around min 5 and moved right to the jungle because I had undying + silencer dual lane, then finished vlads -> diffusal -> BoTs -> Manta -> Skadi. At that point noone was able to stop me eventhough the early game was very hard. I've been maxing doppleganger after the spiritual lance, but i'll try adding more stat points next time and see how it works.

              King of Low Prio

                i prefer dopple dodging spells and cliff jumping is too much fun



                  increase dopplewalk as needed.

                  queling and tango to start with two branches if you want to get wand (probably a good idea but in pubs its up to you)

                  Brown boots first

                  immediately build yasha. don't bother getting treads unless you are getting repeatedly ganked or shit on by your opponents.

                  after yasha get diffuslal.

                  Then you get what you need. Heart/manta/butterfly/BoTs in whatever order you want. 6th item can be radiance or mkb or bkb or w/e you situationally need.


                    follow agresif's build


                      agresiif's build is as his name implies, for organized early team fighting.

                      If you go for drums and BoTs first, you better hope your pub is doing heavy early fighting and push or you are going to get shit on late game.

                      saving private RTZ

                        i like agressif build, you just spam lances in fights and chase enemies under their towers.

                        I usually go boots,aquila,wand into drums>BoTs. Then Diffusal,manta,skadi and then depends, maybe heart, maybe bfly, maybe bkb etc.
                        By 15-16 you can have already BoTs + drums, by 20 diffusal and at that point you are probably strongest hero on the map


                          It really depends on your enemy team. If you are getting pressured, go for Power Treads instead of Drum&Travel build.
                          Ring of Aquila without a doubt best starting item for PL. Mana regen helps a lot.
                          You can not give up on Diffusal and Manta. Other items and build queue depends on the game. As for now, from what I've seen in this patch, Travel+Diffusal+Manta+Skadi+Heart+Fly is the best build for PL. Don't go for Radiance. It's not 2013 any more.
                          But I don't suggest leveling up stats before Doppelganger in pub games. You'll need that disjoint cooldown reduction, and it'll reduce the need for BKB.