General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed your help

Need your help in General Discussion

    Ok, guys, here's the story: I dropped fro 38** to 3400 and now I am completely lost, tilted and don't know what to do.
    What to pick, how to play, anything, just to at least grind that 400 back.


      if ur playing for pixels aka numbers next to ur profile just quit

      dont waste ur time

      go do drugs , or drink alcohol outside it will be much better activity for you




        you play dota for fun or to grind?

        do you really want to be another blackxargon that tryharded/grinded for 2 months straight to back to 'where he belongs' when the others at that mmr maintain themselves there by randoming or playing without a care?

        you could grind bloodseeker/leshrac/undying for endless days and you might go way above that and hit 4k+ but whats the point

        dota is a game

        you play the game for fun

        whats the point of taking fun out of it


          Classic dotabuff, you ask for advice and get only bashing.


            i was on a tilt too, lost 300 mmr, regained by switching role for a while, i played a lot of mid and I started playing carry and offlane, now I play both
            don't spam a role/hero try to pick accordingly to the game
            why don't you play visage anymore?


              Lesh seems to be good for solocarrying.


                ofc he'll get bashing. its common sense, you'll get back your mmr when you get better, if you want to grind, go and grind