General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry Naga 6.84 Questions

Carry Naga 6.84 Questions in General Discussion

    What supports are best with naga?
    Who counters naga?
    When to get octarine?
    Mana boots for laning?
    Early item build?


      don't do it


        She fun tho


          actually pretty boring hero, what is real fun >> heroes that pwn other heroes.

          saving private RTZ

            Supports? Disruptor. If you lose with naga + disruptor with agha in your team naga is a bad player.
            early game doe im not sure, but i guess he is ok early game too.
            Counters? I guess heroes that can clear illu fast and deal with the splitpush.
            Octarine? On core naga, every game after radiance bots, or some games you want manta/yasha first.
            yes mana boots are good as you disasemble them for octarine later.
            Brown/mana boots, aquila, bottle, and QB for last hitting


              item build: rapira

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Good with teamfight supports that make good use of spell or supports that give her space through pushes/teamfights. Counters are obviously early game heroes that can push really hard before you can come online. Mana boots are only needed if you are safelaning and don't get a bottle. Octarine is good, but overrated. It is an extremely greedy item that only increases your farm speed and gives you some HP but you already farm pretty fast. You could just go Manta/Diffusal and get gold by getting kills.


                  its actually best with disruptor, hard to fuck up that combo