General Discussion

General DiscussionBest dota country ?

Best dota country ? in General Discussion
Jip Bot

    haha kut gotvet xd

    Jip Bot

      Im voting on Kuwait


        Sweden. They have a lot of pro players, considering that they're such a small country! :)



          Главный Рак Тимы

            РОССИЯ ВПЕРЁД!!!

            Varian Parryin'

              Those will be China and Russia.
              I'm from Belarus and I'm always play on Europe West and USA East/West. Americans in dota are not good players if we compare with League of Legends. Just few American teams are really good. BTW I see Americans on their servers very rarely, because there are lots of peruvians who says you "shh noob", "pendeja", etc.
              The most nerdy country is China. No comments.
              And Russians are hardcore players, just because they are rude and egoistic.

              Viktor Alexandrovich Petr...

                Wether ya a russian or a mongol0id (any other country) you 5uck the same.


                  For a specific country, I cant tell. But I can tell you this, Europe has some of the oldest and most talented pro and casual players I have seen. Ofcourse I played on both US and Asia servers and this is spoken with experience. US dota on the casual level reminds me of how I played Dota 1 back in the day, spend your starting money on damage items or boots with no regen, and sit in lane with 150 hp leaching XP. Meanwhile on the Asian servers they play a more slow paced game which in 30 seconds transitions into chaos once it reaches its point. EU dota is kinda good, but far from perfect. Players in EU focus on early fights, efficient farming and I see sings of some teamwork