General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat kinds of things that tests your patience in doto?

What kinds of things that tests your patience in doto? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    We all have self control and generally play it cool but what are the things that really makes u react, speak out or type in a doto game?


      When my support Lina builds a Vanguard instead of buying wards or courier

      Livin' Real Good

        When my supports rush AGS, then say they have no money for wards, and get mad when you flame them, then say " fine i'm not supporting then! " Which is funny, cause they weren't supporting to begin with.

        When people don't push when we have the advantage, and would rather extend the game just so they can get their fancy Ethereal Blades/Butterfly's, ect, just to lose late game.

        When they don't push racks even though were right in front of them, but instead dive the enemies T4 towers, then we end up losing that team fight deep inside their base that turns the game around for the enemies.

        When i'm going around raping the enemy team mid game, only to find out late game my teammates have ZERO farm, and they say " oh, sorry, i stopped farming as hard, cause you were fed, and i thought you were just gonna carry us " then they say " fail carry, fail carry " despite me giving them tons of space early and mid game.

        When people contest a rune 1 vs 3, knowing the enemies contesting it have two or more stuns for first blood.

        There's probably a lot more.

        King of Low Prio

          @bad intentions

          when my support ogre starts stealing my last hits -_-


            when im in the middle of a ranked game and my mom walks in my room and wants to turn off the light to conserve power but instead hits the switch for the electricity hooked up to my pc gg.


              The few times I play support and the carries whine. Well then fine sir, if you are so experienced and talented in the supporting area, why don't you do it from now then?

              Whenever I mid or carry and have no vision, I immediately purchase my own 75g ward to maximise my own farming potential (by doing it safely) instead of complaining to the support because by the time they do the warding themselves, I've lost more g than the 75 I tried to save by whining. Tbh, you're getting to play the role you want so don't cry a river when not everybody is accommodating to your every will.


                When windows decides to randomly do an update and restart my computer mid dota game (The warning prompts don't show while you're dotaing)

                When we are losing a game and the biggest feeder immediately starts blaming anyone and everyone

                When someone on the other team picks a noob (meta) hero then says "gg ez game" at the end --> I always report them just cuz xD


                  when the lane support auto attacks creeps continuously and buggers up your LH, push the lane and doesn't even try to deny. tries going for arcane boots and aghs before the carry.
                  gah, im so angry


                    when supports don't stack before pulling
                    jesus christ it's not that difficult


                      So much hate for supports here :P

                      Giff me Wingman

                        usually 4k players


                          i feel like I'm having a deja vu here. I've seen this last week


                            when someone in my party starts flaming another member of my party

                            swift beaver

                              i hate it when ppl refuse to accept that our Team is currently in Advantage and rekkin the teamfights and they start something like grinding the jungle, flashfarming the lanes, instead of going highground those ....

                              Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                When techies


                                  i play this game so long that nothing surprises me anymore

                                  ive seen everything i go with mentality to never expect anything with my team and play solo as best as i can

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    When you tell somebody to not do something for 10 times, and he still does it the 11th time just to get you mad.


                                      when me and a pub do bloodseeker zeus combo
                                      then he never bloodrages me

                                      Giff me Wingman

