General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it me or my team?

Is it me or my team? in General Discussion

    I always have a positive KDA and good GPM and XPM but we always seem to lose. I have a negative win loss ratio in VHS and HS but both positve KDA and a decent GPM/XPM. Any help will be great thx

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
      King of Low Prio

        ugh these smurfs are disgusting

        ED WUNCLER

          i do your build all the time on bh now sampson tranquil soul ring it work very well on my other account! ty for showing me the voice! i go sny too then orchid and after deso heart butter if rich

          ED WUNCLER

            i get the orb of venom too early



              doesn't look like it's going very well on this account

              Bad Intentions

                ^maybe its the having fun factor?

                Livin' Real Good

                  It's your smurf.

                  King of Low Prio

                    s/y is not really a good item on BH I just get it because I like s/y for my own personal playstyle. Objectively there are much better options like hex and solar crest

                    Giff me Wingman

                      If you are losing in lower than 6k bracket, then it's 98% of the time your fault.


                        what does a positive KDA, good XPM and GPM mean?
                        If you are playing carry, you would have better GPM than a support.
                        If you are playing Zeus, you would have a better KDA than Chen
                        You would do more kills with Riki than Treant, you would die less with Abaddon, than with Huskar

                        Numbers mean nothing without a global vision ;)


                          kda, gpm and xpm are not the measures of your skill at all, they only reflect your playstyle. the only consistent way to define your skill is longrun winrate. if you are losing in longrun, you are obviously soing something wrong, because on average you get absolutely equal teammates and opponents.

                          Giff me Wingman

                            Not true.


                              ur just bad

                              saving private RTZ

                                Im baffled of gotvet's profile picture.

                                I dont even


                                  don't ask me how i got it

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    what's positive kda? Your kda's are all like 3.1-3.6. That's very average and means you're probably ranked correctly.


                                      you are smurfing, so its your fault


                                        Your stats for Very High games: 14-16 win-loss, KDA is 7.73-6.27-7.23 = 2.38
                                        Your stats for High games: 22-27 win-loss, KDA is 9.69-6.16-8.61 = 2.97

                                        You have some games were you get kills but don't turn them into any real game changing advantage. You do not get a kill and then take a lane of rax for instance. This means you are fighting in situations that are too easy (low risk, low reward). For instance you pick off the support hero you alreayd killed 5 times who you know is slow to react and has no items.... but who cares, that does nothing.

                                        Meanwhile the free farming carry you ignored early in the game because he was harder to stop and you didn't have items farmed yet - he destroys your team. Something like this is happening.

                                        If your KDA is high and you are losing, then you are not taking enough risks and not taking advantage of your kills. If you want to improve you must accept that it is your fault. You cannot change your teams, you can only change what you do. So if it is your team's fault that you lose, then you are doomed to lose - just give up trying to win and play for fun.

                                        But if you accept that it is your fault, if you notice that some people in the same situations somehow gained MMR winning a bunch more games, then you realize that in principle you could have done more, could have done better. Maybe you personally actually can't do any better. But if you don't take the responsibiliy yourself to attempt to improve, finding something you could do differntly then you certainly will not improve.


                                        Often the other team will have a certain critical player, someone who is good at their hero compared to other players in the game and begins to take off. That player needs to be shut down if you want to win. It can be hard to identify them and counter them quickly, but if you are playing a mid snowballing hero with mid-game power like QoP, Storm, and SF (as you like to pick) you can make a point of killing that important player first and more often. It will be harder, but it wins because without them their team hides instead of fighting so you can take towers.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა