General Discussion

General DiscussionHow stressful is it really to play ranked and tryhard in your current...

How stressful is it really to play ranked and tryhard in your current level? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Is it too hard? is it your teamates? or ultimately its me not them kind of thing? thoughts?

    Livin' Real Good

      It's stressful here in 3K, cause lots of players play too slow, even when you're yelling and repeating what to do to win (sometimes even in a nice way) but they either don't do it at all, or they do it, but they do it WAY TOO LATE, then blame you cause it didn't work. Lately, i have been playing bad, and me being a player who is honest with myself, and the people, i will admit that. This is Dota 2, the game where everyone but you seems bad, cause they make the DUMBEST mistakes. But don't try too hard, i learned my lesson after dropping 700 MMR, you try hard, you die hard.

      Now after a 2 month break, i started playing solo que again yesterday in ranked, i'm at 3.6, looking to hit 4K. I think i would of been 4K awhile ago if i kept playing ranked and grinding, but i just got tired of the stress a few months ago.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      King of Low Prio

        this kinda shit makes my blood boil


          why would it be stressfull its just a game anyway

          Livin' Real Good

            ^ Dota is life, fuck you. O_O
            Those 4 numbers next to my name mean everything, and the more higher the first number, the more successful i am in life.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            King of Low Prio

              women only talk to me because I am the bounty hunter god


                i actually feel sorry for people who actually think that way @stopped


                  stressfull as fuck in 2k ... everyone thinks they and everyone in their team should be playing as well as EG then go fucking batshit crazy when you bring up the fact that you are 2k...

                  Honestly, one mistake is treated like the end of the world and I'm getting to the point where muting everyone at the start of the game seems like a smart idea (which it isn't, but that's how it's getting me).


                    yep stressful as fuck in lower bracket because you try to win so much, but meh you cant get a perfect team never in this bracket

                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      Last game I played did my usual offlane had picked dark seer. This is 4k lower end.

                      What do I get? Teammates who pick alchemist, jungle tinker and need I say more?

                      Other team went with your standard desperate for mmr bloodseeker pick etc.


                        Well here in trash tier we get 5 carries who auto attack creeps and push the lanes and make it impossible to last hit so I cant get any farm. It is ALMOST impossible to get 15-20 last hits by the 5 minutes mark never mid 25, which makes it hard to get any items or kills

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Hahahahaha Bloodcyka is so hard to play against......


                          luka doncic

                            You don't know pain until you've played in 3.2k SEA ranked games. Its always '' me mid '' , '' me carry '' , ''ako mid '' . I'm so scared that our team will be full of farmers so i usually go for hard hard ass supports. Its like everyone on this server just wants the glory of getting kills, farm etc.


                              Been an easy climb recently been getting at least one other mic user per game it seems . It prolly won't last too much longer tho


                                On one hand, I get teammates who go Shadow Fiend jungle.

                                On the other hand, I get opponents who don't punish that at all, whose supports don't buy wards and whose Ember spirit buys Midas first item after dying 4 times in the first 10 mins.

                                All in one game

                                Therefore, I'm pretty neutral...


                                  I realized when I used my mic with my team, things were a lot less stressful. I'd shout but they'd understand where I was coming from. They wouldn't get all defensive or flame hard for whatever misplay that was solely my fault.

                                  But yeah, AUS 1.8K, ranked is hard bro. Aside from randoming idiots, people from SEA with 600ms ping bitching about lag and disconnecting half way through, it's a real struggle. Seems like every game I support, carries are idiots and every time I pick a carry I need to fight my lane buddy for CS.

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    Sorry mushi tell me more about at your bracket this month you win the least % of games against invoker and pudge?

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      It just depends. Yesterday we wiped em at our base, rushed to their throne, they started respawning 1 by 1 and my whole team attacked heroes while I was screaming at them throne throne. Well throne survived with 500 hp and we wiped and lost. Some fucked up shit. That stuff makes me very mad. Most of the time though it's not a big deal.


                                        Just frustrating, I don't mind what my team picks, but the thing about 3k is, there is a lot of times where you get matched up with people who just dont know how to execute their roles properly.

                                        I.E. Bounty Hunter tries to roam, thinking hes a pro, and doesnt scout, ward, harass in jungle. I'm saying this for my team and enemy team. Or when people expect an Enigma to black hole as the start of the fight with known disables on other team, etc.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          Well..... This is an interesting time for me

                                          After a few months of slowly gaining mmr by 10 a week playing with people who are useless who I KNOW I'm better then I've fun sly hit my stride.

                                          I'm not sure if it was watching TI or what but I'm suddenly winning..... Quite a few games I've brought my win rate up by 5 percent and gained nearly 250 mmr over the last 3-4 days

                                          Down here players have no game sense what so ever..... They don't know when to back off a push when all heroes leave the map....... They don't understand that when you have such an overwhelming power advantage that you can team wipe them 3v5 if you initiate that you don't go farm

                                          In short I've finally learned how to carry 1v9 and I'm loving it

                                          Also the lack of supports down here at sub 1k makes me sad

                                          However this legion makes me want to become a psychopath


                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            to the guy who says its "just a game"

                                            what if we played chess
                                            and you knocked down all the pawns
                                            I would say "dude thats not how you play chess"
                                            would you respond with "WHATEVER DUDE I PLAY FOR FUN UNLIKE YOU"
                                            "ITS JUST A GAME"
                                            "WTF TRYHARD"


                                              Hard because it is laggy :(

                                                კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                  ~1.5k MMR

                                                  Game is very fun at this level for #2 carries. I rarely lose lane, the enemy has no wards, smoke, or coordination, and thus need 3+ people to gank me even if they have vision. Because I usually win lane, they either lose tower or are forced to rotate their entire team to stop me. After T1 towers fall, I can usually safely farm enemy jungle (both the creeps and any hero stupid enough to fight me) while my carry farms ours and there's always some newb on their team to feed me. After I scare them for 45 minutes, our #1 carry(ies) are ready to end the game but the enemy still remembers the pain I caused and focus me every fight. I don't mind dying as it usually results in a full wipe of the enemy.

                                                  I know this isn't proper DotA, but it's quite fun.

                                                  Onlly two types of stress:
                                                  1) Our team tries too hard to play "combo DotA". Either the initiator or the follow-up player is too slow or inexperienced and we lose every teamfight.
                                                  2) Our team has quitters. People who stop playing to win because "gg, I lost lane", "gg, they too strong", "gg, I'm too weak/scared to fight", "gg, I don't have enough HP to push", "gg, I don't want my record to look bad", or "gg, you play like newb". Pretty much, people too scared to take risks to help win games. Risks include death, bait, buybacks, rapiers, using a 180 sec. cooldown ult just to try to kill one person, etc.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  Atila El Husky~
                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      I've never tryharded at 3.5k I just go with the flow. I think if I tryhard I'm just gonna mess it up

                                                      Lester, Moe

                                                        5k here

                                                        only stress is when i get losing streaks

                                                        5100 to 4994 in one night woohoo


                                                          so u lost entire 4 games ?


                                                            games are fun if ur losing u just start fucking around 0 stress


                                                              I almost don't lose games when I'm in the mood to play, which is almost always as I only play when I'm in the mood. Don't play ranked/dota like it's an obligation. Take breaks in between games or even play every 1-2 days, which I do sometimes.


                                                                Unless im playing bs its like trying to play Meepo but with all 5 heroes on my team. They aren't gonna end with shadow fiend vs a spectre by themselves...

                                                                im so bad at artifact

                                                                  I stopped playing solo entirely because it forces you to approach the game with the wrong attitude.
                                                                  No, not every match was meant to be won.


                                                                    I just wish I didn't have to solo support every single game (3.5k on US east).... :'(

                                                                    Solo ranked becomes much easier for me when I just mute the people flaming or just mute everyone altogether... I do the latter often.


                                                                      Not stressed at all at 5k+

                                                                      Kaiju,Hack  Retired

                                                                        I try harder from 2.7k -4.7k. Its actually not that hard when you try hard with heros that actually make an impact

                                                                        waku waku

                                                                          it used to be really hard and frustrating when i could not win games despite trying hard
                                                                          but then i decided to just pick pudge every game and not care and it became fun instead, and i actually started winning more games

                                                                          ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                            2.6k SEA or thereabouts.

                                                                            I play support or offlane usually.

                                                                            Not particularly stressful because the outcome of most of the games i get are very clear by the 20 min mark.

                                                                            I.e either my carry teammates are useless or they are competent enough to execute the necessary actions required to end the game.

                                                                            Another reason why i dont experience much stress is that i usually know what is required of me at various stages of the game, and can execute it. E.g stack for the gyro/am, rotate mid gank, ward the rosh pit etc etc

                                                                            It's only the games where the outcome is uncertain because neither team has really established a foothold in taking the necessary objectives, that i experience more stress (especially if i happen to be the only support on the team).

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                            funky cold medina

                                                                              stressful shit like this
                                                                              look at my teams item builds

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                              OUT BUYING CIGARETTES

                                                                                I've been calibrated at 3k1 both solo and party (since MMR came out). I've only played MMR to be calibrated. I tried solo not os late and foud it is cancerous as hell and i gave up because of mentality and obvious shitmoves. Then i found a team and we played for 1y and a half on local leagues/joindota, which allowed to be gain vision and skill (trough massive loss streak during the first months xD). If you're focused on playing as a team, party MMR should be easy because you have the teamplay that most of the 5 stacks don't have.

                                                                                I've then only played with mates and we are steam rolling on party MMR, i think we will soon be 4K (3k4 now).


                                                                                  opening mmr at 1.5k last year. and now currently at 3.4k solo. just try hard to get as soon as possible at 5k or at least 4.5k

                                                                                  play relaxed. sometimes you made mistake it is ok. relax and do what you want to win the game. play best heroes, check forums for advice, increase mechanics, improve last hitting at home, improve gear and fast adapt.

                                                                                  never play pubs. always play ranked so u will get used to hell.


                                                                                    stressful shit like this
                                                                                    look at my teams item builds


                                                                                    why my name is there? :/


                                                                                      Meh I had a game today where 3 of my other 4 teamates were cancerous idiots and we ended up throwing the game in one failed teamfight


                                                                                        I haven't played for over six months already due to moving, but back these days it wasn't that bad on 4.5k - unless you've got the unreasonable courage to pick a support. People were dedicated to win and usually did everything they could, though sometimes there were feeders.


                                                                                          3.2k MMR ranked, no stress it's a cakewalk. I used to be at 4k and have to tryhard every game.

                                                                                          Why max out your MMR? If you are not seriously trying to go pro, enjoy the game.

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            Im still shocked relentless is above 2k


                                                                                              3.9k just kind of going with the flow of each game

                                                                                              if you want a stressful game try osu

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                                                Fun game every time i press find match

                                                                                                SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                                  4k games are aayt, tho im currently spamming ranked and unranked with my 2k friends. Also, I still dont want to play mid ._. uguu~


                                                                                                    On main I don't feel stressed, but rather accomplished by winning hard games and playing vs. players that uses their spells.

                                                                                                    On smurf (currently 5100) I get burned out, depressed and rage. I think I throw 30%+ of my games cause people are so fuckin retarded and stupid which makes me fuckin retarded and stupid. It's like a zombie accoplmisyess


                                                                                                    You don't have to have a mindset to go pro/or tryhard to maintain mmr unless you are at a very high mmr.
                                                                                                    There's a wide difference between being stupid, delusional and shit at the game, than just jerking your finger up ur arse laughing acting as if you don't give a shit picking Drow Ranger autoattacking towers and getting killed. WOAWW what why are u guys here? :cheeky:

                                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                      Extremely relaxed, easy. I have a consistent 70% winrate in ranked, so every time I lose, I know I'll go win three more games.