General Discussion

General DiscussionTimbersaw

Timbersaw in General Discussion

    What do you think of timbersaw in the current patch as offlaner. Tried him few times and find him a bit weak. Sure he can nuke fast once 6 but i don't see what he bring more more than a clockwerk or others offlaner. Tide better in team fights and handle agression better, bristleback more a pain to deal with same with ud.

    Maybe i play him bad what's ur advice on him.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      its more or less fine, mb not the best offlaner possible, but agressive 5 men meta favors him indirectly. however if u r planning to learn mthng new, it might be not the best choice now - it will take a while to get used to this hero, and also as I said above hes not the most scary #3 atm. rather learn clock or tusk.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        ^i didn't even realize that this n00b had 800 games as timbersaw


          I had some stomps in the past with timbersaw, I just find him weak right now if I can't snowball with him. I'll check some of ur games to try to see how he's best played. When do you pick him btw ?


            when im tired of losing xD
            actually ehs nice against all melee heroes and str carries in particular

            i pick it against:
            pl, pa, sven, magnus, bb, drow (cz u can initiate on her easily and lock her down quickly), sf (not mobile enough), naga, spectre, tb, lycan, meepo, void, alche etc.

            i hate playing against:
            storm, qop, wr, skywrath, necro, omni, slardar (-armor and bashes are too good against timber), pugna, ursa, jugger, earthspirit, silencer, zeus


              ^you forgot to say how he is gut against slakr with all his aoe shit


                i hate lategame as timbersaw against slark


                  every hero hates lategame against slark tho


                    i just want to say that this shit> go into fight> tank everything, kill>get low > get out with ulti wont work against timber

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      yup, but intuitively i dont like to play against slark


                        although i hate playing slarka gainst timbersaw as well so idk


                          mb i just hate slark in general, cz its related to you and reminds of of the old days when we were happy together and all this happy-but-sad romantic memories?


                            hmmm possible ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


                              You forgot Kotl on your list of heroes you hate playing against, lol. Fuck mana leak


                                not really viable imo

                                altho could work

                                All Is Dust

                                  Because nukers are in. Timbersaw is a nuker, but hes a nuker thats strong against physical damage. I think when physical damage is in and magical damage is out he will start seeing play again because majority of his damage is pure.

                                  Although I like playing against slark in lane if the supports abandon him on Timber. I do hate playing against kotl.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა