General Discussion

General DiscussionTI hero picks

TI hero picks in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Now that we've had a few days to let TI5 sink in let's discuss the picks n bans. I'm just looking at the main event stats right now.

    Not surprised Lesh was banned almost every game, p+b 100%, picked only 3 times. Went 1-2. Is that surprising or just too small of a sample?

    Things I did find surprising, visage only picked 5 times but won all 5. Small sample? He is pretty awesome though.

    Bounty, holy shit, picked 13 times, won 12 of them. New track is just so strong. Still he seems to fail hard in pubs. Is there a way to turn this around or is he just more suited to pro play and the teamwork there?

    SF picked 18 times, 6-12 record. I'm a little surprised he showed that poorly but teams picked a ton of Lina who seems to do well vs SF. Same with qop, picked 20 times, 5-15. Wow. Maybe she's a bit overrated? Doesn't scale late game at all, yet pros seem to love putting her offlane. I don't really get it.

    Only other one that stood out to me was undying, picked 7 times, 1-6. Pubstar != prostar I guess. Might be cus teams picked gyro so much though.


      qop doesnt scale late game

      wtf have u been smoking ?

      Pom Pom 🍕

        It's not just new track, but also the teamfight-heavy meta favours him.

        also the losses with lesh were from CDEC, and the reason ppd let them have him was because Shiki actually doesn't play lesh well enough (forcing support lesh one game even).

        Qop was surprising though, she really did badly all event, but the Lina picks might have affected that too. And there was a lot more Anti-Mage picks/bans than before. He was actually the 12th most contested hero out of 73 picked and banned heroes the event.


          yeah, cdec first picked lesh as pretty much a 3rd ban, they sucked with him, but they knew if they let EG get a naga, techies, or lesh, it was gg


            its not that the hero is bad or scales bad to late game
            they built them wrong, no madness bkb sf, qop went for early game shit, many games of carry too! when she should build both nuker and carry, i never saw crit and lifesteal or even deso +bkb, etc. They played like puussy all TI, and didnt risk with unconventional builds that secured them the win and took down raxes-

            Dire Wolf


              Cdec played lesh once, eg played him once and won, VP was other loss. VP's game though I think it was more cus they last picked qop and then had zero right click damage. Qop built an AC near the end but too little too late, QOP and lesh don't fill the same role but they don't compliment each other that well.

              Qop isn't bad, but comon, even with aghs her ult is on a 40s cd so it's only going off once a team fight, you can just take a lot more. Her right click is still awful, if enemies can outlive her one two punch of wave + scream then she's fallen off. Unless you build her for right clicks, but then why not just pick a better right click hero?

              Pom Pom 🍕

                That's weird. Why doesn't this game show there?

                Dire Wolf

                  oh that is weird, so we missed one.

                  Anyway, I looked at the P+B on the whole TI, not just main event. Not a lot of differences. But why do you think pros never play tiny? He seems like he would be a good pick and attractive one for pros, but aside from like some of the older teams picking him for tiny wisp no one picks him any more. Like I think I recall na'vi and/or alliance running him plus wisp a few games in the EU qualifier. But I don't get why you wouldn't just stick him safe lane and farm up. Some reasons it seems like he should be liked more though:

                  -Has nukes. Pros seem to shy away from passive right clickers only
                  -Natural blink carrier and pros love blink
                  -Natural combo to pull off, maybe isn't the most "skilled" hero but if you are very skilled you can pull of some nice combos. Or put him with another combo hero like tossing a techies in middle of enemy group for suicide, or tossing like earthshaker or axe early before they get blinks.
                  -Good farmer once you get aghs, imagine how quickly a pro would get that
                  -Doesn't fall off late game, good throughout all stages

                  -Melee carry. Pros seem to loathe melee carries.
                  -Lots of hp but low armor

                  annnnd that's all I can think of. I don't get why he's not played more and only ever played with wisp.