General Discussion

General DiscussionNew gold mechanic idea

New gold mechanic idea in General Discussion
never toxic under any cir...

    So I thought of the general idea for a new gold mechanic that tackles two primary issues:

    1. The lack of engagement or fun in playing support characters (I don't care if you like placing wards and stacking, you are a freak).

    2. Teams snowballing into insurmountable leads.

    The idea is this: Heroes get a penalty to gold, much like the buyback penalty, dependent on the magnitutde of a lead they have on networth to all players in the game.

    Think about the implications: Someone having a heavy lead would benefit much less from the farm, so other heroes would have the logical priority to accumulate that gold that would have otherwise been hoarded by that core hero. This would open up room for the two unfortunate souls playing traditional supports to actually farm a little bit and have tangible impact. Or the fact that someone actually can't get to an insurmountable lead because their gold income would be punished and slowed considerably if they ever got to that point.

    I know what you may be thinking; "Supports already have an impact you are stupid!!!!!" Yeah, they do but let's face the reality that people insta-pick cores and leave the slow pokes on ward and stacking duty. If playing a support was so engaging and interesting for people, why does this phenomenon exist?

    And think about it like this, if 1 minute of farming on a high networth team is worth less gold than that same minute on a low networth team, sitting around for the high networth time is bad because the other time will catch up in strength, incentivizing pushing and aggression rather than a passive approach to seal the deal via insurmountable strength.

    So, to sum it up:

    1. Cores have less incentive to hoard money, giving supports the unheard of opportunity to actually accumulate gold; which could enhance the game for everyone considerably.

    2. This stops insurmountable snowballing leads much better than the current system.

    3. Incentivizes pushing and aggression when you have the lead, due to time spent farming being less profitable than the other team

    This obviously would need some tweaks here and there, I am merely presenting the general idea.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    never toxic under any cir...

      And please don't give me reactionary disapproval. You fuckers would've screamed at the top of your weak, low-capacity lungs at the thought of the changes that have happened in the past 2 years if they were suggested by anyone.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      Pom Pom 🍕

        Isn't that the same as this?

        They changed the gold mechanic last patch to be more balanced for the whole team, helping supports get more gold from teamfights (while top farmed carries get less from the kills)

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        never toxic under any cir...

          Great observation and it is like that, but I'd like to see it as a global thing, not just from team fights.

          So as an extreme example: Someone who has 80% of all the networth in a game gets only like 5% of the gold from all sources (Kills, last hitting etc).

          Something like that, dynamic to their relative networth to all players in the game.



            80% networth = 5% farm???

            10 gold from a dragon ancient? LOL

            so literally there are only 2 outcomes.

            1) draft more carry. defend base, then beat them late game. because networth difference is almost forced to be 0.
            2) draft super push line up and end game before the equal farm matters on the carries.

            thats all folks.


              @OP, i hate what icefrog did with current gold/bounty and now you suggest this, lmao are you for real?

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                I disagree, do you remember 6.82 the "comeback" patch?
                Adding this mechanic could promove defensive picks and very late game strats (still remember a 6.82 professional game where void, medusa and TB where picked in the same team) but without such heavy farmers hard carries.
                Plz try to understand, im 4k mmr and you are at least 4k mmr or more judging by your ranked matches skill bracket, sooo you're not a noob :p
                I main Naga and Medusa as my favorite cores, and those heroes depends on very heavy farm tactics to comeback from a bad game cause they are not natural killers, in the other hand you have heroes like storm who has a very good and scary late game but he can comeback in the game with kills (and he does) aside to be a decent farmer too. So a change like this would send farmer HCs to shit tier and ganker HCs like void, storm to broken-hero tier. The rubberband was nerfed in last patch and i think that was the right call, comeback is possible but many people don't find the motivation when they are losing the game.

                I believe that most people dont wanna play support cause they are just bad, i have noticed that most of casual support players dont know what to do and spends half of the game running in circles like idiots and then they get bored cause they dont know how have impact in the game without farm. Lately i've been playing carry or support when i have to tryhard, and besides i main 2 of the most greedy carries in the game i like to play the support role as equal cause now i know how to play it properly.

                casual gamer

                  ok guys, lets completely screw with how income works in this game for no apparent reason, fuck heroes like alch, antimage, and bh that are entirely built around creating an economic disparity

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    This doesn't make sense for one reason alone, why would you be punished for being ahead?


                      so basicly u would get punished for being good player ?

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        Basically like hots mechanics.

                        Polish Hussar

                          (I don't care if you like placing wards and stacking, you are a freak).

                          Whhhhat? Stacking is so much fun. Timing is key but you can make like 5 stack of big camp that gives out 400+ gold. Then enemy steal stacks and your like BibleThump.


                            Penalizing people for being in front is not the way. We had that in 6.82, and that was the worst idea of all, considering that you simply CANNOT afford to have a lead, or you risk losing it way too quickly in the next 1-2 fights. Think about this: what you have done brilliantly for about 30 mins are gone in 2 fights forcing you to buyback, leaving you in shitty position because the other teams have carries and bought the good items after the fights.

                            And that was implemented if you lose a fight, you risk losing everything. What you were suggesting is, if you are in lead, you lose your lead automatically. You didn't even need a chance to lose it, because you get less gold for everything. Then why bother having a lead? Why bother playing this game at all because all you need to do is to turtle with shitty picks like Medusa Gyrocopter every single game carrying rapiers in 80th minutes. You can't even get gold from barracks as even if you do so, it is only worth for like 100 gold.

                            Good for supports who are already low in net worth, but what are they going to get? Whatever they will get, it is pain in the ass for their carries as they would make use of the gold better. Then nobody is picking support because there are only so many items support can make use of before items become totally irrelevant for them.

                            Think about Crystal Maiden who already has Scepter, BKB, Veil of Discord, Octarine Core, and 10000 gold sitting in her bank account. What more can she buy with those gold all for her contribution in fights? Divine Rapier? But imagine the 10000 gold now goes to a 4-slotted Faceless Void. It could mean 2 core items. It could mean buybacks. Now please reconsider having so much farm in supports, while jeopardizing whatever the carries are actually capable of doing with them.


                              The only thing i want, is a removal, or a HUGE nerf of that +-% on the gold.

                              A pos 5, who is near a death of pos1 of enemy, gain more gold, than in the first version they implemented comeback mechanism...

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                ^i agree cuz people get 1k+ gold and then you get refresher ww

                                saving private RTZ

                                  ^ Well that nerf the 6.83 draft 5 carries and defend highround cuz now if you actually have more farm you dont take as much gold.
                                  A sniper with lets say Treads + MoM + SnY gets 2 kills on highground bam 1500 gold, 2-3 more kills like this and you got yourself a skadi. The problem was when he, by getting those kills gets to top of the networth but still get very much gold from kills. But now once he is rich he doesnt get that much.

                                  On topic: OP, it would be a really bad idea, worse than 6.82-6.83 comeback mechanic because you basically want to give supports a chance to farm. But why to pick support then? Draft 5 carries. You prioritize 3 of them to get farm. The others one lets say someone who can jungle steal here and there some farm, or okay, draft 4 carries, one which can offlane like FV, one jungling, one mid, lets say sniper, one safelane and a support. Ok. The safelane and mid will get big amounts of farm so they start to get punished. THen what happens? The jungle and offlane one will start getting more and more farm as well as the support which you pick one with good impact at all stages like WW. so now you got 4 superfarmed carries and a lategame support pretty farmed aswell.

                                  So you by trying to help support, you actually encourage very very greedy line-ups


                                    This is the worst suggestion ive ever heard. What about suggesting that all support heroes have 150 starting damage and start with 1000 extra gold. WOW.


                                      this comeback gold mechanic is most retarded shit ever actually

                                      u can't dive fountain at minute 15 anymore cuz if u die u give away 1500 gold to enemies and 5 lvls each

                                      All Is Dust

                                        Maybe they should have it where when ever you kill a creep the gold goes into a Limbo stash and when you get a kill all the unreliable gold you farmed up to that point goes into your pocket. so you have to get a kill inbetween creep farm.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          how about everyone on the same team shares one common gold worth. so the team has to organize who buys an item when xd


                                            ^ Never going to work, we don't have a team in normal skill games.


                                              Wasn't something like this implemented in the current patch? Imo anything more would cause another rubber band effect kind-of-thing.