General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help with storm again

Need help with storm again in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    I made a similiar thread like this some time ago that helped increase my wr from 30%to almost 50% .

    Some problems i have recently:
    -Is bloodstone core on storm?
    -is bkb after orchid reasonable?
    -How do i deal with lesh mid?
    -If i'm going orchid first, what is a good and realistic time to finish it?
    -Was my item build (Orchid - Euls - hex) good for this game?


      its not core especialy for pubs but really good if u can get it early and snowball with it

      bkb is must if they got heavy disables if not then dont buy it

      u let him freefarm in lane while jungling with remnants or ganking or ask team to gank him or kill him once ur 6

      depends if u buy anything else brown boots + bottle timing is 13-15 mins


        -Is bloodstone core on storm? - Yes
        -is bkb after orchid reasonable? - In same games it may be necessary but in most cases not
        -How do i deal with lesh mid? - You cant. He will zone you. Just do your best, get ur xp and accept that ull lose the battle on last hits coz u cant use q.
        -If i'm going orchid first, what is a good and realistic time to finish it? Really depends how big u win. 10-12 mins.
        -Was my item build (Orchid - Euls - hex) good for this game? No need to get euls. Get bloodstone instead. Bloodstone is a snowball item and Storm is a snowball hero.


          alright ty boyz


            i would say bloodstone is picked up in 99% of games, i find it that getting bloodstone first>>>orchid first.
            get orchid first when you are ahead, and that way it just makes your advantage bigger.

            situational, buy it if they have more than one big disable (multiple hexes, stuns, a lot of magical burst that you can't avoid), you get the idea.
            you need to be able to know for yourself in which games you can get away without bkb and in which games you can't

            you can't kill/win lesh mid as storm unless he is super bad, you just get some xp and the cs you can safely get, gank him with +1 or 2
            or if you can't gank him ask your supports to stack the hard camps, or even stack them yourself after you push out the lane to farm it afterwards.

            timing what vaikiss said, anything faster is very good.

            i guess in that game you could have used a bkb.


              now you have to write ty 1 more time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                ty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                  you're almost never going to get a 10-12 min orchid that's insane. 15-18 mins is all good if you wanna have impact, otherwise bloodstone first is usually better. I usually go bloodstone>linkens/orchid>shivas>whatever. If I know I can get a fast orchid and it's good against their team, I'll snag it first

                  Edit: misread what valkiss said, I thought he said you can pick up orchid at the 10-12 min mark, my bad

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    what do you mean it's not insane it's certainly doable, depends on what else you buy, how many kills you get and how effective you farm.


                      and 18 min orchid on a storm with no deaths and farming is pretty shitty