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General DiscussionNeed advice to improve my DOTA game effectively -

Need advice to improve my DOTA game effectively - in General Discussion

    @SoulTrap, it's not the other way around, it's only one way. To be good support, you have to understand how carries work. To be carry, you don't have to know how to support.

    new soul


      I didn't say it is the best way to climb mmr
      I say it is the best way if you want to get better


      yes indeed, I've been playing carry a lot and I can explain how it is exactly.

      This is easier to understand if you have ever played in an organized team

      In the laning stage, a support need to know what to do to make sure their cores get the most out of everything.

      Here is some example,

      in TI u will see a lot of supports that spend their first 30 seconds into the game poking opponents mid. This is because they know that their mid is not a good match up vs opponent's mid, and therefore an early harass will be a very convenient boost. In the other hand, it will not affect your safelane carry because there is another support helping.

      If you play carry a lot, you will also understand that there is some certain carry heroes that are very effective once they hit level 6, and most likely such cores doesn't need much help in lane. Such as gyrocopter. In this case, pulling the creeps and stacking jungle is a much better play instead of sucking lane exp, ganking mid is also a very viable choice. The other support can zone the opponent outside the exp range. Once you get the jungle stacked 3/4 times, ask ur carry to clean the camp as soon as possible so you can get exp as well. This also applies if you faces an unwinnable trilane, leave the lane, get jungle stacked, gank mid, and leave ur carry to at least get exp.

      You will also understand when your core needs to be babysitted, you don't want to leave an anti-mage soloing a wind ranger, it is not that he will die or whatsoever (except he is really bad), but he will not get free farm and the windranger will snow ball with free farm (same thing applies to other heroes with carry potential such as weaver or clinkz).

      There are a lot of other basic mechanics like these.

      Dire Wolf

        At your mmr just learn how to farm properly and you will start winning a ton more games. I calibrated like 3k, peaked around 3700, all I do better now than then is farm better. Pick easy farming heroes like gyro, troll (he's still strong), sven. Luna if lanes are ok. Then just farm lanes and go ham in jungles.


          So you never bitched:

          - As wards weren't placed? T
          - The lane did not get pulled?
          - The courier wasn't upgraded in time?
          - No TP was bought for you and put in fountain?
          - Support did not sacrifice his life for you?
          - Support did not gank mid that you are about to lose?
          - Wrong iteme purchased on support that could have secured teamfights?

          So yes, it is just you ;)


            GG SF and AM! Dude you can't really pick those kind of heros if you have no idea how to farm efficiently without dying like mad. Stop picking farming heros unless you know how to take an advatatge with this, if you refuse to play support then play a core that doenst need to farm so many creeps to be effective, just pick something like zeus and spam skills and fight a lot, you will see yourself having a huge impact almost every game.

            Razor is a shit pick nowadays and even more in your mmr bracket, spirit breaker is fine, shadow fiend is terrible for you and your farming abilites and knowledge of the game, same with AM.

            But seriously I recommend you to play support and start learning what all the heros do so you can react better to most things, help your team with wards (in your mmr bracket having vision advatatge is very easy because the other team probably wont have a single ward).

            I'll tell you a pair of good heros to have impact almost every game and a little introduction to them;

            Zeus -> Deals a lot of damage with all of his spells, but he's easy to kill because he has no escaping abilities and doesnt have much hp, the most important thing when playing zeus is to not die, and if you do die in a teamfight you have to make sure you used as many spells as you can. Positioning is key.

            Lich -> It's a very good defensive support for your carry, you can zone out the enemy offlaner easily because you never run out of mana and you can spam your q, then in mid game you have a powerfull ultimate that can destroy the enemy if they are dumb enough, also you have your w, which is a shield that gives a ton of armor to whatever allie you use it on or yourself (even towers).

            Lich is more of a defensive support because he has no stuns or whatever, but it doesnt mean he isnt strong in teamfights and in the laning phase where he is an absolute monster.
            Then there are many other supports that you can play more aggressively like a lion, shadow shaman, ogre magi.. Those 3 are pretty good for begginers aswell.

            You said you want to play gyrocopter, Spectre and natures prophet... Out of those 3 I would only recommend you to play gyrocopter. To play natures prophet you need very good map awareness.

            Good luck man.

            Giff me Wingman

              Feel free to add me. I can probably help you out a great deal.


                Carry can't be this stupid to expect all these things from support.

                In TI5 supports spent their time at mid, because of Bounty Hunter, I believe. If you try this in pub, you will only steal XP from your mid and make things worse.

                Not sure how helpful are jungle stacks.

                Mid ganks are very hard to execute, unless you play something like Pudge, Mirana or SB (or lucky to find invis rune), so it's not an option most of the time. Zoning is also not a thing that you can do by default. For example, Windranger just uses windrun and harass you back and she has better damage, because she starts with null talli, when you have nothing. Oh, and if you leave your carry against trylane, he will report you and abandon match with ~50% probability.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  jungle stacks are best things ever

                  whenever i play with rl friends they stack for me even if they are lower skill player they compensate that by heavily boosting my farmw ith stacks and then i carry them


                    "I can't farm because someone stacked jungle and creeps killing me!" (c) Carry

                    True story happened to me.


                      If you want to play a team game you have to be in a stack with a team. No matter how high your MMR goes pubs will not play as a team very well. To get a team you need to start gathering friends. Notice anyone in your games who was helpful, say something nice to them - try to get them to play with you more - add them to friends. Eventually you will have people to play with in a stack.

                      However, if you want to play a lot of games you will probably end up playing solo because people are not available to play right when you want to do it.

                      Dota has 110 heroes. You can't learn them all equally. You should pick a hero or at most 3 heroes and only play those untill you learn them (ie 100 games of each at least). Because you are playing at super low MMR invis heroes are the best. Riki is probably the easiest to play.

                      Whatever hero you get your lasthitting will be ineffective. Most people never do become good at lasthitting, and since you started at 400 MMR you probably will never become good at it. But the good news is at low MMR its not that important anyway. Instead learn how to kill heroes. Later when your attack damage is higher you will be able to farm easily. If you do want to improve your farm, get a quelling blade and build a farm accelerating item (Hand of Midas, Battlefury, Malestrom, Radience) these will let you catch up on farm later for the lasthits you missed early in the game when it was too hard to do.

                      Dire Wolf

                        I looked at a couple of your razor games. I want to say don't give up on razor, he can be a pub stomper, but your builds are awful.

                        Your skills are fine, 1/1/1 into 4/1/1/1 is a good build. But sometimes you want to max link first. It depends on opponent like if they are melee and slow like dragon knight mid you can get full links off.

                        Get a bottle and then spam Q if you are maxing that skill. You'll push people way out of lane. Position yourself so hopefully it deals max dmg, hitting them twice at it's apex.

                        Stop building drums, just get phase instead. You will be plenty fast. Then go phase, aqulia, aghs. Trust me. Aghs will let you 1v1 all the enemy noob carries, just drain their dmg and run around with ult. Then go refresher. Now you pop ult, refresh, ult again. If you aren't finding enough hero kills to get refresher build a yasha or s&y after aghs to help your farm speed.

                        Quit building drums, bkb, mek, HEART (shitty unless a 5th or 6th slot item) and other right click. Eye of the storm rank 3 with aghs can do like 4700 dmg to a building. It's amazing. Aghs is all you need. Mek is a nice item but you don't have mana pool for it, just skip it for now. Aquila will get you stats you need.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        new soul


                          dude.... rofl
                          you don't know what you're talking about really.

                          mid gank is not hard to execute especially if you are ganking radiant. Buy a smoke or wait till night if you don't want to go around them (4 mins), they will have less vision so you can gank from your side's high ground. it is very easy to execute

                          And no, support stays mid not only because they have bounty hunter problem (sometime yes, but most mid heroes doesn't need that help, a sentry is enough, bunty hunter has 451 hp lvl 1), but because it is a bad match up most of the time. example: your ember vs a storm, your storm vs a lina, your DK vs a viper, this is also very crucial if you have a shadow fiend mid, early harrass can get him early crucial last hits.

                          I don't know what bracket you're in, but zoning an enemy from the fog ( from jungle on each side) is pretty ez especially if you have an aggresive lane ward.

                          Oh, I'm not saying that the jungle stacking etc is for the 95 % population of retarded supports out there, I was simply saying that it is the right way to play support and to learn dota correctly ground-up, and yes, that is what i expect from my support, and that is exactly why to be a good support you need to be a good carry first.


                            Hi Johno. first of all good for you for having the right attitude. it's rare to see low end players who are so eager to learn and improve. keep it up!

                            As of now I have not calibrated my MMR yet but I am playing regularly in a fixed team in Singapore with people who are about 4.2 to 5k MMR. My estimate of my own MMR would be probably 4k as I am the weakest player in my circle.

                            Now onto my 2 cents worth.
                            First off i feel that you should simply play more games with a select pool of heroes. As a benchmark for myself. I have to have at least 50 games of a hero to claim I know how to play it and at least 100 to claim I am decent at it. Proper practice and concepts and knowledge of what a hero does being refreshed game after game will build up your confidence and your game knowledge as to what this hero is relative to the rest of the game. This is key.

                            Next, across all heroes (at your level), focus on your last hitting. right now your LHs are still far from being considered good.
                            At the 5 mins mark approx 40 creeps would have spawned and you should aim to be hitting at least 25 of those for a start. Like alot of replies before me have mentioned, your teammates are NOT GOOD. They miss LHs in open lanes and move too much to be efficient farmers. SNATCH UP EVERYTHING and take it as a challenge to yourself to out last hit your teammates AND your opponents.
                            Remember to also do lots of last hitting training in the training tab and you should aim to hit 80% LHs and work your way to 100% LHs CONSISTENTLY. (even now I do those between games or when waiting for friends)
                            Do not underestimate LH as LHs give gold and gold wins games.

                            Third, always carry tp scrolls and learn to use them. If you are watching alot of pro vids as you say, this should be common sense to you. but you will be surprised what a well timed tp can do even after seeing the pros do it. try to emulate that.

                            At your level there are still many many things that can be improved on and it is actually rather exciting in my opinion since the DOTA world is still vast for you. Try to always rmb that DOTA is a game based largely on concept and knowledge. How you execute your moves will come with experience but I have players around me playing for close to 8 years and still are 3k because they have no idea what the next move is.

                            I am only an average player but i hoped that what I've said has helped you out. you can add me on steam if you want to and i'll be more than willing to help you if you need it! We need more players like you in the community.

                            GOOD LUCK


                              Thanks very much guys, I really appreciate the advice and guidance being given here.

                              I have 62 wins and 69 losses with Razor, I admit my builds are probably hurting me while playing him. I need more item knowledge for sure.

                              My last hitting needs to improve indeed.


                                First of all, DotA is an extremely tough game to learn. I, myself, came from Dota 1, and i can say i am pretty decent in dota i guess? So, here's what i have for you bro.

                                Climbing MMR doesn't necessarily mean you're getting better. With this in mind, don't get obsessed with MMR as it does not necessarily mean an increase in skill.

                                Looking at your profile, i can see you are a core player. First of all, the heroes you pick are very important. The draft does actually affect the game more than you might think. For starters, picking a strong hero can be the first thing you can do. Heroes like Spirit breaker, Phantom lancer, gyro, lesh, etc.
                                - (You get what i mean, strong heroes are usually in the meta but that doesn't mean the heroes not in the meta are not strong.)

                                Second, practise your mechanical skill.
                                - Last hitting and denying are basic skills so get them mastered. Practise in lobby games and if you get good at it, try using techies to last hit with no items ;).
                                - Checking the mini map for missing heroes and react to the situation. (If enemy support missing, you have to play more conservatively. If enemy supports fighting at the other side of the map, you can afford to push and play more aggressively.)
                                - Checking runes every 2 mins, master timings for skills, etc.
                                - i am sure there's others but i cant think of them

                                Third, gain knowledge about dota. There's more to dota than just mechanical skills. Understand that you can comeback even if you are losing early. Know counters to certain heroes that can be useful to you. (AM to lesh, axe to dazzle, etc) Get to know all the heroes and their abilities. Know what to do (when to push, when to back, etc). Learn about item counters,etc.

                                Basically, practice your mechanical skills and accumulate more dota knowledge. Most importantly, have a willing to learn attitude and stay positive because no journey in Dota is smooth. Everyone was a noob at one point..

                                Cheers and goodluck :)

                                dón kíj-

                                  ah same here the more i Play the lower my mmr gets, just dont get it, on average have higher gpm xpm then the enemy and my Team combined, still cant win anygames even 8k Tower dmg all games, i really think my account is doomed because i went on 34th loss streak in ranked so the Balance before a game cant be 50/50.#

                                  the enemy Team like always have bloodseeker radiance at 10th min running around, so iam askin, why is that 10min radiance blook never on my Team ?

                                  Gore Galore

                                    What works for me is just randomly pick heros,it helps grow my hero pool so I'm not confused when it comes to counter picking. I have played a few ranked games and found that i was lacking in certain areas, I use pub games to broaden my skill and playing abilities. Even if I have a bad game I still look at the positive contributions and dissect what went wrong and how I can fix it next game. I have matured alot as a player with this strategy. If you ever want to team up add me, but by know means am I a great player but that what makes this game fun is the strive to be better than your last game


                                      Thanks for all this advice lads!

                                      I have finally put a win streak together playing Riki and Slark, found it difficult to keep back and stop pushing the lane, though never really came alive until level 10 or 11.

                                      I will get there with loads more practice and helpful guidance i've been getting from you lot.

                                      Cheers to everyone who is involved in helping me so far.