General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to die less and have a better kda?

How to die less and have a better kda? in General Discussion

    How to die less and have a better kda?
    I see people have kda 4 or even more on heroes... And I have only 2 usually


      well dont die ? lmao


        kda doesnt correlate with skill and "success", it only reflects your playstyle. no need to focus on improving ur kda, focus on ur general game skill instead,



          pls dont be like those idiots who are the first to give up and afk in fountain, or the ones who compromise your team by always staying back and tping away instead of helping your team to tf.

          I cant remember how many times i've died as a position 4 baiting ults and bkbs, in exchange of many kills for my team.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Bad Intentions

            to op, hey listen man, there some heroes that are meant to die a lot to be effective :D you have monster kda's on AM, so keep up the good work!


              watch the minimap and predict movements based on level, use the level window/where kda also appears.
              Also predict movements based on playstyle of your enemy based on lineup and countermoves based on your teammates playstyle and lineup


                A lot of it is game sense you develop at some point

                Knowing when you can solo an AM you KNOW is in the jungle for example

                Or knowing that farming not lane isn't safe because you've push it to their T2 and you've noticed the other team disappeared off the map

                It's all about expirence and predicting your opponents based on your expirence

                Sometimes you can predict better because it's a hero you've played consistently (I've sniped couriers from secret shops because I know when certain heroes are picking up certain items for example) but you don't even need to know precisely how most heroes play most of the time


                  Trying to improve your KDA will probably make your MMR go down. Just try to play the game better don't focus on stats.