General Discussion

General DiscussionI have a dazzle addiction :(

I have a dazzle addiction :( in General Discussion

    I can't get enough of this guy/chick

    Why isn't she played more often, the influence as a support through all stages of the game is epic


      Not sure really, he is a little mana hungry and the grave has a long cooldown, other than that his ulti is often overlooked, maybe if it applied the whole buff instantly it would be better


        Dazzle is used a lot in the pro scene I think. I've been seeing the pick quite a bit in the TI so far.


          The grave at level 4 has a cooldown of 15 seconds.. I think thats pretty short. I mean I can often save 2 people in a drawn our teamfight.. Actually any drawn out teamfight with a dazzle alive the whole time = win


            Yo dude, if you really love a hero, you should be hoping that pros won't pick your hero very often and at best retain it as a trump card or something similar. Else, he'll get the nerf hammer.

            I'm currently loving Winter Wyvern to dead, but I haven't been watching whether she's getting picked a lot or not and I sure don't want her to be picked by the pros!


              there's been a lot of wyvern picks actually. for example, the two games going on right now (vp eg, vg empire) both have a wyvern picked of banned[/color]

                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                Protato BBnoZAR

                  so much earth shaker so far!


                    is your addiction big as mine? :(


                      i like to play rubick when the enemy has antimage or qop, cuz i get free 2k gold


                        Check my profile, just won 5 matches with Dazzle and increase my MMR by 100.
                        Gonna spam more dazzle for a while XD

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!