D the Superior 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 24.01.2018ywn 30.11.2016Skyrim belongs to the nords LMFAOკომენტარი შეიცვალა 30.11.2016me, government hooker 30.11.2016wtf is this shit at the top me, government hooker 30.11.2016arin 30.11.2016okay i dont think ive ever seen a bigger piece of garbage story than the gw2 heart of thorns including mass effect 3arin 30.11.2016is there any hero that straight up wins against invoker mid in 1v1 including things like jakiro/warlock (i know that these heroes usually crush 1v1 but i cant play them anyway)კომენტარი შეიცვალა 30.11.2016quity 30.11.2016phantom cancerone syllable anglo-saxon 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 30.11.2016dead 30.11.2016@arin, this hero cucks invoker D the Superior 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 24.01.2018 INV MENYA LP PARTY 30.11.2016lmao i liked mass effect 3 a lot FeelsBadMan კომენტარი შეიცვალა 30.11.2016Nah, I'd win 30.11.2016Wow queen INV MENYA LP PARTY 30.11.2016here a german may may  INV MENYA LP PARTY 30.11.2016 aimstrong :D:D:Dnot arin 30.11.2016is there a way to access m.dotabuff.com on a computer so i dont use up that much data on mobile internetEmptyJar 30.11.2016your browser should have a setting to set it as being a mobile INV MENYA LP PARTY 30.11.2016 und das ist kitty Mekarazium 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 20.01.2018Mekarazium 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 20.01.2018EmptyJar 30.11.2016Make a video of it in a real game or sth me, government hooker 30.11.2016goddamn im already having an orgasm D 30.11.2016^^ 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 16.01.2019Nah, I'd win 30.11.2016Can you still put the ward on the rosh pit cliff and deny-attack the ward so rosh lose aggro? @KekaMekaMekarazium 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 20.01.2018me, government hooker 30.11.2016 das wat im taklin bout Mokujin 30.11.2016me, government hooker 30.11.2016Nah, I'd win 30.11.2016 INV MENYA LP PARTY 30.11.2016the fuck is penguin club Music 30.11.2016^^^ very funnyკომენტარი შეიცვალა 30.11.2016TripleSteal- 30.11.2016the DA released its shedule for the next season there are two news, bad one and good one. bad oen is that our group has 1 team besides us, good one is that its Aliter's team.EmptyJar 30.11.2016da? Mekarazium 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 20.01.2018arin 30.11.2016i lost.EmptyJar 30.11.2016some latvian dudeD 30.11.2016what sets are MUST HAVE?TripleSteal- 30.11.2016div2 team cap, idk whats their current teamname on jdl.me, government hooker 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 30.11.2016me, government hooker 30.11.2016arin 30.11.2016even trying to figure out how king crimson works is easier than trying to figure out when and how to use procedures and functionsMekarazium 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 20.01.2018Vertoxity 30.11.2016hey guysMekarazium 30.11.2016კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა 20.01.2018Nah, I'd win 30.11.2016Nah, I'd win 30.11.2016gonna shred some bitsme, government hooker 30.11.2016me, government hooker 30.11.2016Nah, I'd win 30.11.2016My pageNah, I'd win 30.11.2016My pageკომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.ავტორიზაცია Steam-ით
Skyrim belongs to the nords
wtf is this shit at the top
okay i dont think ive ever seen a bigger piece of garbage story than the gw2 heart of thorns
including mass effect 3
is there any hero that straight up wins against invoker mid in 1v1
including things like jakiro/warlock (i know that these heroes usually crush 1v1 but i cant play them anyway)
phantom cancer
@arin, this hero cucks invoker
lmao i liked mass effect 3 a lot FeelsBadMan
Wow queen
here a german may may
aimstrong :D:D:D
is there a way to access m.dotabuff.com on a computer so i dont use up that much data on mobile internet
your browser should have a setting to set it as being a mobile
und das ist kitty
Make a video of it in a real game or sth
goddamn im already having an orgasm
Can you still put the ward on the rosh pit cliff and deny-attack the ward so rosh lose aggro?
das wat im taklin bout
the fuck is penguin club
^^^ very funny
the DA released its shedule for the next season
there are two news, bad one and good one. bad oen is that our group has 1 team besides us, good one is that its Aliter's team.
i lost.
some latvian dude
what sets are MUST HAVE?
div2 team cap, idk whats their current teamname on jdl.
even trying to figure out how king crimson works is easier than trying to figure out when and how to use procedures and functions
hey guys
gonna shred some bits
My page
My page