ye but i corrected him because he previously said what instead of that as well, and i dont know what "dota taught me what i suck" is supposed to suggest
Sometimes I feel kind of bad that I'm not able to play often, but then I see that you guys have more losses than I have matches period and feel better once again.
play ta vs huskar mid
score first blood on him
have bane and aba team
after huskar dives me for fourth time and i kill him under tower again they tp in
they dont give me nightmare or shield, they just stare at me and wait until i die on burning spears
im sorry
im 4403 so it's not THAT bad but hell
Man I'm drunk help!
arin still losing games LUL FeelsBadMan xD
It's the same as saying "Dota taught me what to do", just the verb is different.
My party mmr is increasing
Winning Battle Cup
My solo mmrs decreasing
I wish I could swap this shieet
ye but i corrected him because he previously said what instead of that as well, and i dont know what "dota taught me what i suck" is supposed to suggest
"dota taught me what i suck"
I understand that as if he was sucking something before (probably dicks), but he didn't know what exactly (dicks) he was sucking, and now he does.
It makes perfect sense if you think about those words in spanish.
So you think about spanish dicks? WutFace
Everything has something to do with dicks or poop in spanish. Puns are pretty hard to make there, so double entendrés take their place.
Trabajo, si?
4k games
someone put a lure on a pokestop in a park at 3 am
this has to be a pedophile rihgt
ok im too deep in the trench time to spam mids again
Sometimes I feel kind of bad that I'm not able to play often, but then I see that you guys have more losses than I have matches period and feel better once again.
We played this like its ti6's final
Cum back
I tryed to buy ac then someone stoled my eternal balde lol
stone-agha pugna is some fucking bs
ur team is always full hp full mana
holy shit this game
70 min game no lotus orb on timber HAHAHAHAHA im glad im not on his team
he has an aether lens tho
that shistain bought linkens to counter me, too bad i had 3k banked up for an easy atos
idk tho ive heard some people speak well of aether on timber
sharisha made a new channel yay
not in lategame, not for an offlaner, not against these heroes, and generally not in 95% of games
dont ask triple for gameplay related stuff he even says himself that he sucks
everybody sucks, just that some people suck more than others
where can i watch preacher w/o downloading it?
amazon prime
w/e ill watch it in russian
play ta vs huskar mid
score first blood on him
have bane and aba team
after huskar dives me for fourth time and i kill him under tower again they tp in
they dont give me nightmare or shield, they just stare at me and wait until i die on burning spears
thank god our morph abandoned
Enemy midlaner runes arcane,dd ,haste and regen and what I get illu and fucking shit ass bounty runes
When will people stop picking useless afk junglers?
i can snipe arin again now
until he drops down to 4.1k or w/e at least
give me few hours
i need one more loss and im at 4.2
arin can u stop
my name is johnny knoxville and this is 4k mmr bracket
Never give up man
Goodbye old page