holy shit when I'm playing support I'm always roaming, trying to make shit happen on the map, ruining enemy lanes, being annoying and pulling sometimes. I might end up lvl 1 @ 3 mins or some shit sometimes, but I usually get them really fast later and sometimes end up being same lvl as my offlane or even higher and more farmed xd I think my positioning is very good with some support heroes, but my laning stage sucks.
you can ignore them, if you will run at the top left corner AFTER you come down from the stairs.
you will notice some bridge, cross it, don't hit anything inside.
continue to more to the top left, till you will see a big gate.
drop down, open gate.
enjoy emo bossfight.
i went p*ssy (censored?) mode and sniped one with dragonslayer bow
and by the boss fight you mean sif? i've already killed her after i joined those forest ppl and abandoned them with oswald so i could join my spider waifu again
i wish i could find out this by some clues (how to not let solaire go insane) instead of having to go to wiki. this isn't even about skill/game knowledge, it's just that someone decided to feed tons of humanity to spider waifu and it did something other than giving you chaos pyromancy
it was one or two days ago
Well ever since NaVi reshuffled their team the seem to be improving.... But the only problem with them is that their inconsistent in games
are u talking to urself? why?
im im black and a mod is black and i call him a niggеr, will i get banned?
yes because ure a white supremacist
Yes and scraps is black, that's why the word is getting deleted
nailed some other math team competition
white masterrace
4 lyfe
Try next to nail a math team competitor
nail a female
four heads
arin is posting pepes!! welcome, u finally joined.
wheres the match meka
let the pepe wars begin

those things run INSANELY fast holy shit
how can i maintain my skill level as a mid/carry player without ever playing those positions? i mean i literally only play sup/offlane/roam
what if i never gank/babysit mid because im busy pulling 24/7 since im solo suping as omni
holy shit when I'm playing support I'm always roaming, trying to make shit happen on the map, ruining enemy lanes, being annoying and pulling sometimes. I might end up lvl 1 @ 3 mins or some shit sometimes, but I usually get them really fast later and sometimes end up being same lvl as my offlane or even higher and more farmed xd I think my positioning is very good with some support heroes, but my laning stage sucks.
i went p*ssy (censored?) mode and sniped one with dragonslayer bow
and by the boss fight you mean sif? i've already killed her after i joined those forest ppl and abandoned them with oswald so i could join my spider waifu again
i think i'll farm those 30 humanity in depths
i can't let solaire die, such a good guy
i thought that i can get to oolacile through darkroot somehow but apparently i have to go through new londo and i don't want to go there, at all
i'll just continue with my descend through demon ruins
i wish i could find out this by some clues (how to not let solaire go insane) instead of having to go to wiki. this isn't even about skill/game knowledge, it's just that someone decided to feed tons of humanity to spider waifu and it did something other than giving you chaos pyromancy