General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
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    Well you guys don't pick funny heroes in tournaments that's why you suck, even if you guys lose with funny heroes you will get way less cancer

    D the Superior
      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
      me, government hooker

        u cant expect us to play well when we never have a stable roster (only 3 of us play every game), and dont have a captain, or someone who talks all game. i can do it but its really hard as a pos 1/2 player.. meka wouldve been the ideal captain but yea

        before hg
        after fight

        with t2s+rosh we wouldve had way bigger gold advantage + we dont give them any space to recover. it was a mistake i guess it happens w/e


          i have my own folder with furry stuff LennyFace


            u missed the whole point allison


              Let's just play safe and smart next time.

              me, government hooker

                no i didnt ure feeling bad because u spend extra time organising this while we just play. honestly i dont know what "worth the effort" means we'll never go pro we could at best be a t4 team if we keep playing i suppose

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  huh, no, goddamn no
                  if i thought this way, i wouldnt ever tell it to any of you

                  i dont say that you are doing bad, i say that we are doing bad, and i dont see how it can be fixed, and idk what to do myself. i feel responsible for that cz i dragged all of you into it initially, and i hate ruining someones expectations and being responsible for things overall. seems like smthng very different should be done but idk what.

                  a huge share of our problems could be probably patched by finding a normal captain but i couldnt do it yet and idk where else to look for one.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  bum farto

                    Shit happens, I am more available now but we really do got to think about our draft. Like, we never once drafted spec. Not saying it's the win all but we don't decide if we're doing the long game or what we just play it by ear so we rarely have it together.

                    We will get better but honestly maybe it's time we started playing as a stack more to get our coordination in place.


                      Getting a captain and someone that knows how to draft would be so fucking huge actually, cuz rn we're just picking heroes and like trying to see what happens, we don't have any strategies. It fucking sucks that every game we have to use a standin. I don't remember when was the last time all 5 of us played together and we can't even practice to improve. I feel like if we could play more and try some heroes, strats we could do a lot better, but now we're playing what 3-5 league/tournament games in a week as 3 pretty much with standins and then solo q pub all day ofc shit's not going to work and we don't have a captain that could like call shots it looks like a pub game and we're losing to teams we shouldn't lose. I would like to practice more actually, spam some heroes in pubs and increase my hero pool, get more comfortable with some, but when we can't even play as 5 and EVERY game we have to use standins I just lose my motivation to do it. We could actually win or place in a decent place in some amateur tournaments that's like the realistic expectations for me.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        stacking in ranked wont help much, and scrimming is 10x more cancerous than league sheduling

                        Люблю ментов

                          Reminder: This came 2,5 years ago. Even before attacker was famous for doing similar things.

                          Люблю ментов

                            Wtf is this game. Feels like 2013-2014 dota days at 5k+ Created a new account and raped so hard that probably smurf detection put me up so high that I can't even find a match now.

                            Люблю ментов

                              lmao playing vs plats and diamonds atm

                              < blank >

                                I guess Random Draft Storm jungle is the way to go


                                  im trying to get some experience and practice as captain myself cz thats the only option i see so far (out of the three players we have), cz mid/carry have other things to do in this game.
                                  im fine with being bad at it atm, thats smthng that improves over time, but im not enjoying the games where i draft and try to tell other ppl what to do; even more than that, i actually feel bad forcing myself to do what i dont want to do, and I get a huge headache afterwards every fucking time. i need someone else to do it consistently, the job that i can do is playing/managing stuff, cz its fun for me. being captain is not, and even if ill learn to do it some day, it will still be annoying.


                                    what's going on

                                    < blank >

                                      Isn't the captain playing position 4/5 usually?


                                        the players i found so far (~20, u've seen some of them) are either often busy or retarded.


                                          the captain should be as far from position 1 as possible, commonly 4/5, rarely - 3.

                                          Люблю ментов

                                            1 captains are the best. Keepo

                                            Люблю ментов

                                              actually most of the dota players who play cores are autistic and focus very hard on something that's why they can't captain. But there are perfectly fine players who could be captains even as pos1

                                              bum farto

                                                I did ask to draft :/

                                                lm ao

                                                  r/drama how cute


                                                    lol randomdraft / cm ? wtf is this shit i go back to irl
                                                    dota is sad atm

                                                    D the Superior
                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                        arin i need ur professional help
                                                        how do u deal with depression

                                                        you don't
                                                        i usually think through everything and learn something new about myself/others and get over it eventually

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          havoc, u r playing only in half of our matches, we need someone whos always present to draft (imo)
                                                          arin, i forgot whether i asked u or nah, but do u want to play today at 20-00 CEST in a bo2 game?


                                                            the problem begins when you start thinking and running in circles


                                                              yea sure
                                                              also we have that todays' match at 13:00 cest?


                                                                ye u do
                                                                remind havoc to check in at 12-00 cest or a bit later


                                                                  havoc please check in at 12-00 cest or a bit later



                                                                    no, i mean, when u see him online in steam :/

                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                      if u find a mid player (sm1 whos willing to play all games) ill play support and captain, im pretty confident id make a good captain

                                                                      me, government hooker

                                                                        also ranked stacking is pretty useless, scrimming is what we need, but its hard finding good teams that are willing to scrim with us

                                                                        waku waku

                                                                          idk i think you guys just need to pick more SPECTRE, EARTH SPIRIT, OD, and ZEUS wherever you can otherwise the enemy team will just pick them and you'll get rekt


                                                                            idk, i can ask snuffel but im pretty sure he gonna laugh at me cz our team is even worse than his current team

                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                              whyd u ask sm1 who alrdy has a tema

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                It's totally fine to be a captain if you trust yourself, even as a mid/carry. You may play a little worse, but there are people like s4 and Mushi.

                                                                                lm ao

                                                                                  Wait for me in 2-3 years ill be studying in norway building boats and i should be 15k by then

                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                    Triple-kun cant u draft urself? Also what happened to meka is he rly shitting lungs atm?


                                                                                      i dont know to draft and dont liek to draft, too
                                                                                      meka cant play atm

                                                                                      < blank >

                                                                                        What you need is a Storm Spirit Mid
                                                                                        or jungle with free farm

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                          afeect plays storm

                                                                                          lm ao

                                                                                            Man u drag the whole ayy lmao team along your pursuit for divine glory, and u seem to just yoloblaze this instead of trying to visualize your team goals for a definite point in the future. Well i admit i know zero batshit about comp dota but i remember u explicitly telling us once that u would like to try t2 for team 79.

                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              I am rooting for you guys but me n ur babushka is disapponit

                                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                                Also dont take first sentence of fitst comment above too srsly i neber want to insult u triplo senpaiii desu kyaaaaa

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                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა