idk, i didnt like it. it felt to me like nothing actually happened in the movie and the runtime was mostly used for unnecessary shots. you should probably see it if you want to though, i am not a movie critic or anything, i dont think my opinion stands for much.
unrelated, does somebody have the cookies pasta about "being unfit for the craft" or whatever (can't remember how it goes exactly). no particular reason, just want to read it again
What are honorifics?
I have two points in weeb ahievements - A2: i watched Totoro (1988?); and E4 -. i had a soundtrack from Trigun in my playlist some years ago cz i like blues, and the series was on russian tv in my childhood so i remembered it.
wow man topson has become so hot haha i love topson im suhc an OG fan xD bro i hope they win ti next year hes so cute (im not gay pls odnt call me gay)
LFMA China actually fucked up ahahahh!!
Crowds was actually hype for both liquid and OG.
why. i wanted to buy a ticket to go see it at the cinema
idk, i didnt like it. it felt to me like nothing actually happened in the movie and the runtime was mostly used for unnecessary shots. you should probably see it if you want to though, i am not a movie critic or anything, i dont think my opinion stands for much.
holy fucking shit what's going on
topson best playa
Godson pogu
not his fault tho
Mom I'm going to deep again in youtube.
i just got owned by a song... fuck you morrissey
Be honest guys.


what's the point? you get 5 in a row = youre a weeb? because most of these are enough on their own for somebody to be considered a big anime fan
unrelated, does somebody have the cookies pasta about "being unfit for the craft" or whatever (can't remember how it goes exactly). no particular reason, just want to read it again
nevermind found it. it wasnt cookie and it wasnt about dota which is what i remembered it as for some reason
Imagine answering your own question because you have nothing to counter my argument.
neck urself
no u
yikes who let this dude into the big boy club
not even blue trashcan, who is this guy
Dotabuff ayy lmao is an online anime community, there is no denying that
Imagine having an anime profile pic but haven't fap to a hentai yet, biggest lie in the history of lying.
Watch your profanity
Haha you have anime profile pic too and you offended by my words xD
i strictly fap to asian crossdressers only
^Haha the title should be Furry bingo instead.
What are honorifics?
I have two points in weeb ahievements - A2: i watched Totoro (1988?); and E4 -. i had a soundtrack from Trigun in my playlist some years ago cz i like blues, and the series was on russian tv in my childhood so i remembered it.
Also whats wrong about girlfriend cosplaying for you? Role play is one of the most popular kinks and its not related to anime.
Does B2 have to be anime?
fine ill bite

cosplay cool western stuff tho not japanese garbage
btw does western hentai count? asking for a friend
a1 a2 c1 c5(probably) d4(not bc of anime) d5(not watching tv) e2 e4
related ad:
ADS shown in your browser are based on history you had, so if you have hentai ads it means you often.. 0.o
wow man topson has become so hot haha i love topson im suhc an OG fan xD bro i hope they win ti next year hes so cute (im not gay pls odnt call me gay)
lmao u arent even being totally not gay for the correct dude
what if we kissed in dotabuff ayy lmao thread?
hehe just kidding
we could stroke our dicks while kissing each other
haha you know im just joking
I'm in.