General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion


    chicken spook,,,,

      cs degree lul


        Too many LOL streamers trying Dota out. I don't know what to think about this, but they all most certainly suck, no matter how good they are at LOL. I'm not sure them playing it for their stream viewers is a good or bad thing.


          Ur avatar looks like anime.IRL

          Jay the Bird

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              Ur avatar looks like anime.IRL

              thank you


                kind sir

                Jay the Bird


                    thanks for the zoom otherwise i wouldnt be able to see

                    Jay the Bird

                      You might wanna talk to Pepe_revenge about that



                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            u know what i didnt post in a while


                              the last one isnt even a meme dude

                              Yowai Mo

                                it's pure cringe



                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    the last one isnt even a meme dude

                                    Yowai Mo

                                      Yowai Mo


                                          3 am 🤙

                                          me, government hooker


                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              but they all most certainly suck, no matter how good they are at LOL

                                              no shit its a different game

                                              Mode : TOPSON

                                                listening to this when playing ranked is mistake

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  im 12 btw

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    There is no pure damage block in the game because we already know that life regeneration is the counter to pure damage.... that's why magic damage can be blocked, that's why the physical damage of basic attacks can be blocked....

                                                    You see an enchantress mid for example and the rest of their line up is non oddball magic damage oriented heroes, typically intel....

                                                    So how would you counter that kind of team with that hero as their mid?

                                                    It's very simple and easy, and if axe gets blade mail it is just adding insult to insult.

                                                    Axe and Juggernaut and a team oriented around typical strength heroes

                                                    Juggernaut provides axe with the % based life recovery as axe' life pool grows being the strength hero that he is....

                                                    Axe gets scepter and with the new effect of battle hunger casts it on enchantress reducing her damage output by 30%

                                                    Ok so now enchantress gets silenced or any other kind of damage enhancement applied to her

                                                    She attacks at an axe, he pops his blade mail while running away therefor increasing the damage taken

                                                    She takes amped damage back at her, while axe takes less damage

                                                    Axe's life is recovering super fast

                                                    Finally, this was all a set up for failure from the start because intel has smaller life pool then strength...

                                                    Now, you could argue that enchantress has a healing spell, and that is great and all but enchantress is going to have a life pool that is going to be that much closer to making her a primary and easy target to finish off that it will strictly be at a disadvantage comparatively....

                                                    You could say weapon disable works against enchantress too, but that's only supporting the disadvantage that is going on here.

                                                    Finally, take a hero like chen then, a caster mid... ok so he has an ultimate that is a heal, but the reason behind that is not because enemies with greater life pool could use blade mail against him.... non of his talents are life regen.... he is just simply at a flat disadvantage against higher life pool heroes who possibly effectively use blade mail against him.

                                                    Pure damage should not be capable of being reflected because it is too pure to be reflected

                                                    It would be like reflecting the reflector and that just cancels each other out.

                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      Bet if the last 3 sentences weren't written you wouldn't copy paste it here

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        bet if the last 17 sentences weren't written i wouldn't copy paste it here

                                                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                          Jay the Bird

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              i cant play dota normally ever since the semester started even though i do have the time
                                                              every time im playing(especially if i lose(especially if im afk)) im thinking "i could be doing my labs right about now" and i just have to go do labs instead or i wont be able to play normally

                                                              the best part about this is that if i spend those 2 or so hours playing some other game or browsing some shit on the internet its a-ok with my guilty conscience and it doesnt immediately prompt me to go do something

                                                              this shit happened last year too but it was not nearly as ridiculous

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                              Jay the Bird

                                                                playing solo queue is a grave mistake since ti


                                                                  off meme comment ,
                                                                  what happened to blurpi dota.


                                                                    how do i start a business? ? ?


                                                                      HHAHA SPUNKI UR SO FUCKED

                                                                      me, government hooker



                                                                          i have a business idea. please do not insult me or i will mention this to the upper management of elo entertainment and you will recieve a punishment accordingly.


                                                                            here is my business idea (c), if u copy it i will sue u:

                                                                            i want to create rockets, fly to asteroids, get minerals and fly back

                                                                            cool? kinda like terran in starcraft 2 XD we need more minerals hah aha H

                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                              lols 11 minutes ago

                                                                              Jay the Bird



                                                                                    had a laugh thanks man xD


                                                                                      heres somethign funny as well XD

                                                                                      literally laughing my ass off!

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        haha LOL funny xD

                                                                                        Yowai Mo


                                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                            hey guys

                                                                                            TFW I JUST SHOT UP AN AUTISTIC KIDS SCHOOL TO HONOR 9/11 AND HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG AND I JUST FUCKED MY AUTISTIC BLACK JEW CHILD SLAVE

                                                                                            haha lol! =D

                                                                                            Jay the Bird

                                                                                              hey man i post whatever i want with absolutely zero intention of being genuinely funny or interesting or anything and you can eat a bag of fat dicks and fuck your$elf kthxbye

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                tfw u it dawns at u that noone likes ur bomb ass memes and u try to cover up by pretending u did not try to be funny in the 1st place xD