General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
lm ao

    Current mood rn, but instead wanting to be painted black, I want to be BLACKED ::cool::

    lm ao

      If only playing TA 9 times in a row isn't carcinogenic I would be 9k in a month lole

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Yeah I'm sure

        lm ao

          yes spunki i am sure


            winning easy in 2k = winning easy in 4k

            When i play with people that are 4-5k i quickly realize how much better they are at everything, maybe more people should do that

            if I hit 3k next holiday im happy

            lm ao

              im in 3k


                2.8 isnt 3k sorry

                meteor hammer

                  buy pike its really op dood

                  lm ao

                    it says 3k bc i havent updated my mmr in a long time

                    buy pike its really op dood

                    yeah in my other accounts i buy pike on TA but imho if u buy it past 25 min it somehow becomes useless
                    i just buy a casual force staff lole if i need extra mobility or if im against clock or riki


                      I'm 3000 h4h4h4h4h4h4



                        Jay the Bird


                          lm ao

                            you mfuckers be laughing at me we gun see in the future
                            your nigga be at da top risin like a mfkin nigga on weed

                            lm ao

                              @arin hi i wanna make sure if you havent killed yourself yet


                                but ure not black

                                meteor hammer

                                  i cant get that feeling iget with tinker with any other hero gggg guess ill have to keep playing him even though hes not op anymore


                                    Tinker is so fun dooooood

                                    lm ao

                                      Fuck you
                                      I am black

                                      being black is a social construct
                                      we live in a postmodern era where reality is supposed to be subjective and the only reality that matters is that which you construct upon yourself
                                      fuck you
                                      and i love postmodern philosophy
                                      time to smoke weed

                                      meteor hammer

                                        enjoy ur postmodern neurotransmitter degeneration



                                          meteor hammer



                                              dat bass tho


                                                very funny

                                                meteor hammer

                                                  afeect why dont u show mmr i wanna track ur road to 6k

                                                  lm ao



                                                    enjoy ur postmodern neurotransmitter degeneration

                                                    haha spook!

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      sorry dude I'm 4k trash #road to 5k XD

                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        ive never had 5k party wew

                                                        ur almsot there tho. 6 wins! i was stuck at 6 wins for like 50 games gl gl


                                                          season matchmaking is fucking cancerous idk why I play it.


                                                            its season ranked and 4,6 is his solo afaik

                                                            meteor hammer

                                                              season matchmaking is fucking cancerous

                                                              higher skill or lower?

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                I mean 4.5-4.6k avg is pretty much low - mid 5k avg in this mode and if you get close to 5k averages there's multiple 7k and 6k players in it and sometimes you get 4k players or even 3k players in the game so yeah, sometimes it's sooo FUN xD

                                                                meteor hammer

                                                                  fuck that lmao

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    What's annoying is dealing with 4k's and their toxicity, they make me tilt so hard.

                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                      4ks are my spirit animal

                                                                      D the Superior
                                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                          yesterday or some other day idr I had a 3k player who wanted to go mid in like a 1000 mmr avg game above his mmr and since that was int mm, some players were more than 2k mmr above him xd, I went mid anyway, he almost went dual mid, but I made him change his mind and pick a roamer instead and THIS FUCKIGN SHIT FUCKING player comes to my lane and steals my fb, steals another kill, I would have gotten alone and he just comes to last hit them, I got fucking tilted and lost my focus, interest fucking died rofl then I did some decent plays and he tells me "wow nice player" I want to fucking respond with "FUCKING KYS" I'm glad I said nothing XD. Sometimes I wish I could change my mindset from "I dont fucking care" to "I want to win every game no matter what"


                                                                            I just got 1.1k bless

                                                                            meteor hammer

                                                                              its a hard road being a positive peruvian but the reward is more mmr and less headache

                                                                              spicy 🐻

                                                                                Hello triple steal was a very nice game with you 5 minutes ago ty thank

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  probably wont get an answer here but trying wont kill me

                                                                                  i got a task for my programming course work and i couldnt come up with anything feasible to solve it yet so i any1 has any solutions/idead id hear them ojut

                                                                                  theres some rectangular field, then there are square and rectangular areas that cover them, the former is defined as a coordinate of their centre point(all the coordinates in the task are whole numbers), the latter - as coordinates their of top-left and bottom right points

                                                                                  u need to find the largest area rectangular thats uncovered, brute force is out of question, the professor said its a dynamic programming task but ive no idea how to split it up in smaller tasks

                                                                                  im sure this is a very popular task and im almost postive ive seen it already on some competition but i didnt manage to find anything similar in google

                                                                                  pic for clarity



                                                                                    why dont you just go for 7k instead of making third smurf
                                                                                    im pretty sure you are able to get there


                                                                                      I'm in a position where I feel that I'm too dogshit to carry the clearly braindead people in my bracket
                                                                                      like they'll all be feeding and id be carrying the game on a thread andthen I make 1 or 2 mistakes and we lose.
                                                                                      sometimes I get to be the person getting carried, but even then both teams will be full of utter autismus, even the pen carrying me is usually doing it out of outplaying and mechanical skill rather than even knowing what dota2 is on a very very basic level.
                                                                                      :eh: I got 1.1k tho so we climbing out of here soon into a trench only slightly less retarded than this one.


                                                                                        ok so if u have a squares centre point then how tf r u supposed to figure out how g the square is